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For registration of a company whose nominal share capital does not exceed £ a. cp.
2 0 0
For registration of a company whose nominal share capital exceeds 2,000?.,
the foUowing fees, regulated according to the amount of nominal share capi–
tal (that in to say) :
For every 1,000*. of nominal share capital, or part of 1,000*., ap to 5,000*. 1 0 0
For every 1,000*. of nominal share capital, or part of 1,000*., after the
first 5,000*., up to 100,000*.
5 0
For every 1,000*. of nominal share capital, or part of 1,000*., after th©
first 100,000*.
1 0
For registration of any increase of share capital made after the first registration
of the company, the same fees per 1,000*., or part of a 1,000*., as would have
been payable If the increased share capital had formed part of the original
share capital at the time of registration.
Provided that no company shaU be Uable to pay in respect of nominal share
capital, on registration or afterwards, any greater amount of fees than 50*.,
taking into account in the case of fees payable, on an increase of share capital
after registration the fees paid on registration.
For registration of any existing company, except such companies as are by
(•his L a w exempted from payment of fees in respect of registration under
inis Law, the same fee aa is charged for registering a new company.
For registering any document by this L a w required or authorised to be regis–
tered, other than the memorandum or the abstract required to be filed with
the registrar by a receiver or manager or the statement required to be sent
to the registrar by the Uquidator in a winding up ..
.. .. 0 5 0
For making a record of any fact by this L a w required or authorised to be "*•'!.
recorded by the Registrar
.....,,...._..... i. .. ' 0. 5 0
Law No. 13 of 1933.
£ s. ep.
0 10 0
0 10 0
0 10 0
B.T.M. No.
2 or 3
2 or 3
0 10 0 6
The following-fees shall be p id in onnection with appUcations, egis rat ons,"and
oth r matters u n d e r the L a w .
"; ^
S n c h fees m u s t in all cases be paid before or at the time of the doing of the matter
in respect of w h i c h they are to be paid :
1. On application not otherwise charged to register a trade
m a r k for one or m o r e articles included in o n e class
2. O n application not otherwise charged to register a series
of trade m a r k s for one or m o r e articlea included in o n e class ...
3. O n application nnder section 5 6 for leave to register a
M a r k for goods in o n e class
4. O n application n n d e r section 5 6 for leave to register a
M a r k for goods in m o r e than one class :
I n respect of every class
Total fee in n o case to exceed £ 1 0 for a n y n u m b e r of
5. O n application to Registrar to state grounds of decision'
a n d materials used ... ... ... ... ...
6. O n notice of opposition for each application opposed b y
opponent ... ... ... ... ...
7. O n fiUng a counterstatement in a n s w e r to a notice of
opposition, b y the applicant for each application opposed . ...
8. O n the hearing of each opposition, b y applicant a n d b y
opponent respectively or o n the hearing of a n appUcation n n d e r
section 10 of L a w 19 of 1920, b y applicant a n d proprietor
rcspovi* • viy ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••
9. F o r registration of a trade m a r k for one or m o r e articles
included in one class ...
- ... ... ... ... * ...
10. F o r registration' of a 'series of M a r k s for o n e or m o r e
articles included in o n e class :
F o r the first M a r k ... •
-. ... - .'r." ' "..." i.'.". "."."'
• "
i" A n d for every other M a r k of the series .'.'.'
. j- 11. F o r registration under section 5 6 of a M a r k for goods in
m o r e than one class : t"r
- *-*'•'"-'. ••- -* *>•--•'•- •'
.-'-:' I n respect of every class_ ... ^i
'"-*- _."
' ^y..^^\r:
Total fee in n o case to exceed £ 2 0 for a n y n n m b e r of i^' ^i-nx^sn •-. to ~--•<•_:
>•_'.':/ '"•. classes. .... •'•"•'".-•.- - I..»L«-:-J'_;-?*».oi? __-.}-- ._..-;•{; •—-;.[••: ^irisir^.-7-. •. -.J.-i
"". 12. U p o n each entry in the register of a M a r k of a note that •-.-' .«-• .
•-*-*.' .«•?'•-*••_«>.-*:
the M a r k is associated w i t h a n e w l y registered M a r k
0 2 0 .-19 op 20 -
0 10 0
1 OOl
0 10 0 '
1 0 0
1 0 0
i o or
0 6 0F •
• 5
. 7
.. 8
• .
1 0 0 11
" TradelMarka Rolea,
1921, pab. in Go*.
1490 of 23rd
M ( X »