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7 . — A summarized statement of any developments in the agricultural, forestal,fishing,mining, and other industries
of the Colony during the year under review, with a statement as to progress up to date. A special account should be given
of Government grants or other action for the development of the natural resources and industries of the Colony.
Cyprus is essentially an agricultural rather than an industrial country. Satisfactory progress has been made
during the year and the gradual change from primitive to more modern methods of husbandry continues. A greater
interest is taken in the use of modern agricultural implements and machinery, in the application of fertilizers and
in the control of pests and diseases.
The cultivation of potatoes, both summer and winter crops, has maintained the high level attained in recent
years. Cyprus potatoes, which are of a line quality, are exported in large quantities to adjacent countries.
The cultivation of citrus fruits, particularly oranges, has been considerably extended and a valuable expert trade in
oranges is being built up. A new citrus experiment station has been established at Famagusta by the Government
where every phase of the industry ia being investigated—the suitability of various citrus crops for the District, methods
of propagation and cultivation, production, etc., etc. A new citrus nursery has also been started at Karavostasi in
Morphou Bay. A new experimental lime plantation has also been established at Lapithos in Kyrenia and the ycung trees
are making good progress. The grape-fruit recently introduced promises to prove another suitable crop for Cyprus.
A demand for grape-fruit stock has arisen. There has been a good export trade in oranges and lemons. The
expansion of the citrus industry is receiving every encouragement. The Department of Agriculture supplies citrus
plants to growers and gives instruction in the proper methods of laying out citrus orchards a6 well as in the collection,
grading and packing of the fruit for export and marketing. T w o small factories have been established at Famagusta
for the preparation of citrus juices and oils.
The investigations to locate sub-soil water with the aid of the drilling plants were well maintained during the year.
The amount of additional water made available from these activities was 1,S74,GC0 gallons per day. Forty-nine wells
were drilled, aggregating 8.6.3S feet of borehole, and of this number 2-4 wells were successfully carried to a second source
producing the amount of water mentioned above.
There has been a good demand for Cyprus mnles and donkeys, and several lots have been exported to Egypt,
Palestine and Syria. The Manager of the Stock Farm at Athalassa supplied breeding stock to the District stud stables,
and the usual number of stud animals has been maintained. In addition, facilities have been given in certain
areas for bulls and boars on loan and premium donkeys.
Owing to lack of funds re-afforestation was only possible on a small scale and only small extensions to the old
plantations were made. During the year some forest lands were ploughed, harrowed and sown by two tractors,
and 17,574 seedlings were sold to private individuals.
Mining continues to feel the effect of the world depression in trade very considerably, and the larger operating
mines have been compelled to make still further curtailment in all branches, with a consequent marked decrease
in export figures. Prospecting activities too have suffered, and one large drilling company has been forced to
cease work, although continuing to retain it3 prospecting areas. The number of prospecting permits in force at
the end of the year fell below the average for the past 5 years, and very little work has been done on any of the areas.
Important developments have taken place in the following industries:—wine and spirit making, flax, cotton,
silk, soap making and carob grinding. With a view to encouraging the local flax industry the Empire Marketing
Board made a grant of £2,500 spread over a period of three years, the Cyprus Government providing an equal amount.
The Zcdia scutching mill, and the scutching -rmi at Mandria, Paphos, which have been leased in connection with this
scheme, were worked during the year ; at the Mandria mill, hemp as well as flax was prepared for the market. The
manufacture of soarj has made considerable advances : a new modern soap factory ha3 been established at Limassoi
and marks a forward step in industrial development, as it obtains most of its raw material locally and the local demand
for soap is being largely met from local production.
The local tobacco industry, though affected bv the world crisis, has made progress : advances have been made
in the qualitv of tobacco produced, though there is still room for improvement. There are several cigarette factories
but these consume imported tobacco chiefly. Some factories manufacture Cyprus cigarettes for local sale and export,
and cigarettes of Cvprus tobacco are also manufactured in London where they meet with a good sale. There have
been decreased exports of tobacco during the year and the Government is considering measures for the better control
and development of the industry.
Activitv continues to be shown in the spinning and weaving industry. A great variety of silk, cotton; flax and
hemp fabric^ of excellent qualitv is manufactured and finds a ready sale in European, .Near East and local markets.
notwithstanding the fact that" the manufacture is conducted in a primitive method by means of spindles and
hand-looms which are of local make. A spinning and weaving school where better and more advanced implements
such a T n & m i n g wheels and larger looms are used, has been inaugurated at Zodia. The cotton mill at Famagusta
which had been closed for some time has reopened under a new management.
The Si£ Filature owned by the Cyprus Silk Filature, Ltd., which has been in operation since 192o, closed down
temporarilv owing to the general trade depression and the unremunerative price of silk.
A m o n e minor industries, carpet-making and broom-making showed continued activity.
Bee-keeping on m o d e m methods is developing. ^
Furniture-making and shoe-making are progressing.
The art of embroidery is also well advanced ; a great number of girls and w o m e n are engaged on needlework and
^ NV^vernmTf gSnfct the development of industries have been made during the year, excepting the grant
for the development of the flax industry mentioned above.
^ ^