Sat Amount ot Debt.
Nimb-r of Eleetora
Qualification KI j '-*i»» ** elm I M I ooo-
Elector.arul number,
f euc >na
W M ( J
nf ou
| tnci in which Slcottoo
took pl»C».
A m o u n c of original debt : £3,320.
A m o u n t repaid : £1,673 3a. 3cp.
Amount out-standing on 31st December,
1930 : £2,141 Kis. 6cp.
T o w h o m due : Loan Couimiaaioners.
Race of interest: 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose :
9th July. 1925, for the erection of a
Municipal building, and for the
construction of a new slaughter–
house and the widening and im–
provement of the streets of Nicosia
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund, and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Muni–
cipal Corporation. The Municipal
Councils Law, 1882, and the Public
Loans Law, lb97.
I. Amount of original debt: £2.350.
Amount repaid : £223 5s. lcp.
Amount outstanding ou 31st December,
ly.'K) : £-J,l-.H Ua. 8cp.
T o w h o m due : Loan Commissioners.
Rite of interest : "> per cent.
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose:
7th May, 1928. for the distribution
by iron wipes ol the drinking water
in the town of Morphou.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund, and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Municipal
Corporation. Tiie Municipal Councils
Law. 18.-i2 A: the Public Loans Law 1S97.
2. Amount of original debt : £3,000.
Amount renuid : Nil.
Amount out-.tiindi(i-; on 3lst December,
1930: i'J.uno.
T o w h o m due : Loan Commissioners.
See Sec. 5 of Law
26 of 1930.
Moslem ...1,618
Christian 3,055
Moslem ... 710
Christian 1,562
Total ...4,673 |
See Sec. 5of Law
26 of 1930.
... 21
... 834
.. 355
Moslem ... 20
Christian ... 73.
• i [ier cent.
ami for what nurpose : !
1930, for installing!
igiit in die town of Morphou..
Rati: )t o
Wh'Mi incurred
2'Ji). Octoi'er,
-i'-crric '
Pn>v:.->iou for payment of incerest or;
sinkim* fund, and Laws by which it isl
made: 'i-.-neral .'.t-venue of Muni-i
cipai Corporation. The Municipal!
Corporations Law. 1930, aud the Publicj
Loans Law. l*rJ97.
See Sec. 5 of Law
26 of 1930.
Amount of original debt : £100.
Amount repaid : Nil.
Amount outstanding on 31st December,
1930 . £100.
To whom due : Loan Commissioners.
Rate of interest : 5 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose :
27th February, 1930, for opening
ami constructing a new street within
the Municipal limits of Kythnea.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund, and Laws by which ic is
made : General Revenue of Municipal
Corporation. The Mnnicipal Councils
Law,! :5o2 Si i-he Public Loans Law. 1897.
Total... 262
>ce Sec. •"> of Law
26 of 1930.
Christian... 452
Moslem ... 159
Christian :
N o poll took
, place, the
being not in
excess of the
number of
Christian... 427
(-iortrninj Boii**.
(Xameit uf. and Mod* of appointment.)
). Councillors.
Themistocles Dervis, Mayor.
Theofanis F. loannides. Deputy Mayor.
Costas Christodoulou "|
Michael Skoufarides
Nicolaos Vj. lacovides
Ioannis Ionides
PoiivioB N. (jrregoriades
Fuad Bey Assaf Bey
Bedevi Kenan Hassan
Hussein Mcmdouh Mus–
tafa Assaf Bey
M e h m e d Nejmi
M e h m e d Nejatti Misair-
lizade Ahmed, M.L.C..
Elected by the electors.
Eratostiienis Ierides, Mayor.
Vasdakis '.avriulides, Deputy Mayor.
Evagoras Tofarides
Michael Loizides
lacovos Michaelides
Costis f/eorghiades >• Councillors.
Lamhris Ktori Yallouri
Nicolas Yianni Haji
Yorgi Leptou
Ibrahim Arif Sa-iyk Hoja .
Elected hy the electors.
Hussein Zihni Eif. Hj. Emin Eft Mayor
A h m e d Kbalid Bey Hassan Eff.,
Deputy Mayor.
Ali Faik Muderris
Ahmed Zekki Elf. M e h m e d Eff.
Ahmed G-halib Eff. Izzet Eff.
Shakir Bey M e h m e d Ali Elf.
M e h m e d Bey Emin Aga
Androuikos Christodoulou
Nicolas loannou
Elected by the electors.
Christos N. Kattaiuis, Major.
Kyriacos A. lvaloyiros, Deputy Mayor
Evelthon lacovides
Petros Haji Louka
Michael K. Makri
•, ,-.
T- • i
I- i >Goui\cv or*
Kyriakos Lemonohdes |
Antonios <T. Akathiotis \
Costas N. Kyriakides }
Elected bv the electors.