Date of die f.aw, etc.
S U B S T A N C E OF T H E T.AW, Ktc.
Transmitted to England.
22nd Feb. .
25th Feb. .
28th Feb. .
4th March
Sth March
18th March
19th March
28th March
1st April
4th April
28th April
28th April
29th April
lst May
19th May
4th Juue
llth June
21st June
30th June
9th July
10th July
12th July
30th Julv
Sth Aug."
2nd Sept.
2nd Sept.
5th Sept.
6th Sept.
O R D E R S IN COUNCIL—continued.
B Y T H E GOVERNOR—continued.
No. 1347.—Suspension of operation of the Shop Hours Order,
1928, in the Colony on 23rd February and 2nd March, 1930
No. 1348.—Railway (Amendment, No. 2) Regulations, 1930 ..
No. 1349.—Importation by the Agricultural Department of 12
goats from Malta for experimental purposes
No. 13."0.—Wharfage dues on the exportation of chrome ore ..
No. 1351.—Rural Police (Trespass and Damage) Rules, 1930 ..
No. 1332.—Amendment of the First Schedule to the Order in
Council No. 1253 of llth September, 1928, re Restrictions on
No. 1353.—Amendment of the Order in Council No. 1314 of 17th
July, 1929, re Motor Cars fitted with left-hand drives
No. 1354.—Prohibition of the introduction of intoxicating
liquors into Leper Farm without permission
No. 1335.—Amendment of .section 2 to the Order in Council
No. 1253 of llth September, 1928, re Exportation of cattle,
s s
No. 1336.—Authority to Municipal Council of Nicosia to sell the
Municipal propertv under Certificate of Registration No. 313
dated lst July, 1927
No. 1357.—Authority to Municipal Council of Ano Lefkara
to borrow £72 for purchasing a site for the electric light plant
of Ano Lefkara
No. 1358.—Importation of "Binder twine for Agricultural
into Cyprus free from all duties of Customs ..
No. 1350.—Application of the Public Health (Villages) Law,
1892, to the Village of Vitsada (Famagusta District)..
No. 1360.—Authority to Municipal Council of Nicosia to borrow
£20.UO() for carrying out various works
No. 1361.—The Rizokarpaso Co-operative Societv, Ltd.. may
grind or gin in the Society's mills cereals or other products
helongintr to non-members
No. 1362.—Authority to Municipal Council of Morphou to
borrow £3.000 for installing electric light in Morphou
No. 1363.—Post Office Rules Amendment Rules 1030, in respect
to rate of postage on small packets, etc.
No. 1364.—Importation free from Customs duty of instruments.
etc., for archaeological excavations and studv
No. 1365.—Public Officers' Guarantee Fund :'Amount standing
to the credit of each contributor under section 29 of the Law
as at 30th June, 1930
No. 1366.—Post Office Rules Amendment (No. 2) Rules. 1930 •
Amendment of Post Office Rules, 1925
No. 1367.—Permanent reserved area for the preservation of
game under the Game and Wild Birds Protection Laws 19*™
to 1927
No. 1368.—Exemption of certain classes of persons from the
operation of the Public Processions Laws. 1921 to 1030
No. 1369.—Post Office (Air Mail Rate of Postage) Order 1930
No. 1370.—Newspaper, Books and Printing Presses Regulations,
No 1371.—Authority to the Crown Agents under the General
Loan and Inscribed Stock Law, 1930, to make the required
Declaration, etc., under the Colonial Stock Act, 1877, for the
purpose of raising money by the creation and issue of stock
No. 1372.—Exportation of Animals Regulations, 1930
No. 1373.—Registration of United Kingdom Designs (Amend–
ment) Rules, 1930 .. .. .. _ ;
%iJ"f—Suspension of operation of the Shop HourV Order
W28, in Limassoi town on the 7th September, 1930
No. 2035 of Feb. 28.
No. 2035 of Feb. 2S.
No. 2036 of March 7.
No. 2036 of March 7.
No. 2037 of Mar. 14.
No. 2039 of Mar. 21.
No. 2041 of Mar. 2S.
No. 2042 of April 4.
No. 2042 of April 4.
| No. 2043 of April 11.
j No. 2050 of May 9.
i No. 2050 of May 9.
j No. 2050 of May 9.
i No. 2050 of Mav 9.
No. 2060 of May 30.
No. 2065 of June 13.
! No. 2066 of June 20.
j No. 2067 of June 27.
| No. 2068 of July 4.
No. 2069 of July 11.
! No. 2070 of July IS.
! No. 2070 of Julv IS.
No. 2072 of Aug. 1.
No. 2074 of Aus. 9.
| No. 2079 of Sept. 5.
; No. 2079 of Sept. 5.
No. 2080 of Sept. 12.