Transmitted to En*ji»r*d.
10th Mav
10th May
10th May .. !
10th May ..
10th May ..
10th May ..
10th May ..
10th May ..
13th May ..
13th May ..
13th May ..
13th May ..
13th May ..
13th May ..
13th May ..
13th Mav ..
13th May ..
13th May ..
Lith May . .
13th May . .
l:;th May . .
13th Ma*.* ..
23rd Mav ..
23rd Mav
23rd May ..
5th June ..
5th June
5th June
5th June
5th June
24th Nov. .
2(5th Nov. ..
9th Dec. ..
! 9-
—To make Provision for the Protection of certain Rivera
—To provide for the Licensing of Stallions and for purposes
connected therewith
—To amend the Law relating to the Pubhc Officers' Guarantee
—To amend the Customs and Excise Regulation Law and to
provide for the Exportation of Animals
—To amend the Law relating to Customs, Excise and Revenue
—To amend the Law Regulating the Employment of Young
Persons and Children in Industrial Undertakings
— T o amend the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforce–
ment) Law, 1921
— T o amend and consolidate the Law of Bankruptcy
— T o promote Public Health by the Acquisition and Reclama–
tion of Marsh Areas for Agricultural and other Purposes
— T o provide for the Registration of Clubs
— T o amend and consolidate the Law relating to the Possession
and Use of Firearms, and to provide for the Licensing of
Dealers in Firearms, Powder, Shot or Cartridges ..
— T o make Provision for the Recovery of Compensation for
Injury caused to Property
— T o continue in operation the Ecclesiastical Properties Law,
— T o make further Provision for the Twelve Months ended on
the Thirty-first Day of December, 1929
— T o amend the Law relating to Weights and Measures
.—To provide for the Licensing of Hotels
— T o amend the Public Loans Law, 1897
— T o .-'.mend the Law relating to the Reduction ofthe Number
of Coats in Cyprus
— T o amend the Lawrelatingto the Adulteration of Cyprus
— T o declare the Terms and Conditions applicable to Loans
authorised to be raised by the Government of Cyprus, and
to provide for the Creation of Inscribed Stock
— T o facilitate the Investment of Trust and other Funds in the
United Kingdom, in Cyprus Government Securities
— T o amend the Law providing for the appointment of
^Mukhtar.- and Azas and regulating the Duties thereof ..
— T o amend and euu.-olidate the Law relating to the Printing
•.•A-..'. Pu i)l ha tion of Newspapers and other Publications and
to provide for the Registration of Books and the Keepin"
of Printing Presses . . . .
— T o amend and consolidate the Lawrelatingto Contract
— T o amend and consolidate the Law relating to the Storage,
Transport and Sale of Explosives and Petroleum
— T o establish Municipal Corporations and to consolidate with
amendments the Laws relating to Municipalities
— T o amend the Law with regard to the Sale of Intoxicating
Liquor by Retail . . . , . .
— T o provide for the Reservation of Tree Planting Areas in
the Villages of the Colony of Cyprus
— T o amend the Law relating to Public Processions '.'.
— T o provide for the making of an Agreement between the
Government and Imperial and International Communi–
cations Limited
— T o amend the Lawrelatingto the Security for Advances
made to the Government of Cyprus for the Construction
o n ^ r ,
P u
l i c W o i k s aiul the
f such
Public Works
— T o make provision for raising a Loan of Six Hundred
Tnousand Pounds Sterling for the Construction of certain
Public Works
— T o appropriate a sum not exceeding Seven' Hundred and
*>ix Tnousand Five Hundred and Fiftv-three Pounds to
tne Service of the Twelve Months ending the Thirtv-first
Day of December, in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand
-Nine Hundred and Thirty-one
I N D E S P A T C H •
| 1930.
! No. 178 of May 14.
i No. 179 of May 14.
| No. 180 of May 14.
| No. 181 of Mav 14.
No. 182 of May 14.
No. 183 of May 14.
! No. 184 of May 14.
No. 185 of May 14.
No. 192 of Mav 21.
No. 193 of Mav 21.
No. 194 of
No. 195 of
No. 196 of
No. 197 of
No. 198 of
No. 199 of
No. 200 of
No. 201 of
No. 202 of
May 21.
May 21.
May 21.
Mav 21.
Mav 21.
Mav 21.
May 21.
May 21.
Mav 21.
No. 203 of May 21.
No. 204 of May 21.
No. 205 of May 21.
No. 223 of May 23.
No. 224 of May 28.
No. 225 of May 28.
No. 242 of June 11.
No. 243 of June 11.
No. 244 of June 11.
No. 245 of June 11.
No. 249 of June 11.
No. 474 of Nov. 20.
No. 482 of Dec. 3.
No. 504 of Dec. 10.