Tbe Municipal Coaaeili (or Commissions, u the case mar bo) are charged with the general superintendence and ooutrol
(excepting PoUce supervision) of che town, village or area defined as the Municipal limits, in manner regulated br rarioos
enactmenti :—
Their duties include :—
The construction and maintenance of streets, open spaces, public gardens and plantations, sewers and drains, public
fountains, privies and urinals. The lighting of the Municipal area. The cleaning of all streets and open spaces, and the
removal of night soil and refuse of houses. The provision of a good and sufficient supplv of water for the use of persons dwelling
within the Municipal limits. The provision of slaughter houses and tbe reflation of the slaughter of animals for food. The
establishment and regulation of markets, and the regulation of tbe sale of perishable goods and inflammable and explosive
substances. The inspection of food offered for sale and the destruction of snch as is unfit for consumption. T h e supervision
of weights and measures and the provision of public weighers and measurers. The prevention of noxioos and offensive trades
and the abatement of nuisances. The regulation of the construction of buildings and the demolition of buildings unfit for
habitation or in a dangerous condition. The provisiou of storage accommodation for inflammable and explosive substances
and generally the doing of such acts as will promote the health, comfort and convenience of the people residing within the
Municipal limits. For these purposes the Municipalities have pow-*r. with the approval of the Governor, to impose
rates and other fees and charges as set out under *• .Sources of Revenue " and to make bje-laws for regulating the various
matters coming within the scope of their functions.
Sources of Revenue :—
Rates on property within the Municipal limits, but. except in Hire instances, sa-h *. rate has not b*-eu imposed -. fees on the
slaughtering of animals: tolls and stallages in markets*, rates on trades and professions: weighing and mcaauriug fees: fees for
storage of inflammable and explosive substances; fees for building permSb and legalization of contracts; .rents of Municipal
properties andfinesand penalties from prosecutions under tbe Municipal Laws.
Objects and duties :—
T o watch over and protect the general interests of commerce and industry in Cyprus, and to collect information
from foreign manufacturers and traders which m a y assist the development of commerce and industry ; to establish
means whereby the transaction of commercial business m a y be facilitated • to encourage and promote n e w commercial,
agricultural and industrial enterprise in Cyprus ; to intervene, as an advisory body, with the local Government in all
matters affecting the general interests of Cyprus in commerce and industry ; when requested, to under–
take by arbitration and conciliation the settlement of commercial disputes ; to place local merchants in touch with
British and foreign manufacturers and merchants, and vice versa ; to correspond with foreign Chambers of Commerce
and similar bodies and private firms for the purpose of obtaining and giving information on the standing and reliability
of merchants ; when requested, to deal with all claims, applications, suggestions, petitions, etc., addressed to the
Government on subjects of a commercial or industrial nature, whether of general or personal interest; and to issue
certificates of origin for articles produced or manufactured in Cyprus, certificates of membership of the Chamber,
certificates ot commercial standing, and any other certificates required by traders.
The Chamber of Commerce has appointed from among its members a Trade Development Committee with the
sole object of initiating proposals for the development of trade in Cyprus and reconciling conflicting interests between
industrial concerns, exporters and producers.
Sources of Revenue :—
Subscriptions of members, annual subsidies granted by Municipalities, and fees for the issue of various certificates
and in respect of applications for commercial information. T h e Chamber receives a Government grant of £100 &
year towards the expenses of the Trade Development Committee.