Bureaus of each School.
School Tax.
of each School.
it $. cp.
20,221 0 0
1.315 0
565 0 0
51 0 0
82,984 0 0
£ J. cp.
7,509 0 0
226 0 0
217 0 0
213 0 0
24 0 0
±. «. op.
11,425 0 0
339 0 0
326 0 0
318 0 0
36 0 0
£ s. cp.
3,705 0 0
"II 0 0
823 0 0
54 0 0
30,755 0 0 46,600 0 0 15,969 0 0
600 0 0
960 0 0*
350 0 0
752 0 0
421 0 0
450 0 0
85 0 0
850 0 0 1,320 0 0 2,770 0 0
900 0 0
300 0 0
300 0 0
120 0 0
400 0 0
23 0 0
4,222 0 0
2,667 0 0
1,628 0 0
863 0 0
1,847 0 0
625 0 0
1,388 0 0
1,885 0 0
6,082 0 0
3,317 0 0
2,680 0 0
1,404 0 0
2,(>97 0 0
733 0 0
1,383 0 0
1,885 0 0
The balance of revenue orer expenditure remains to tha credit of
Education Fund for retiring gratuities, etc
Under the Education L a w (other than Oreek-Christian) 1930, a moi–
ety of the expenditure necessa-T for these Schools is raised by
direct taxation, tbe other moiety is provided by Oorernment Grant.
"Voluntary contributions" represent the amounts added by tbe
local Committees for School Maintenance.
Average daily attendance in Moslem Schools 6.310.
Boys' and Girls' attendances are not separately recorded.
These Schools are managed by their special Committees aad include
> some Secondary Instruction aod are also aided by Church Funds
and contributions. Thefiguresare approximate.
Under the Education Law. 1923. the amount required for these
Schools is met by the School-tax payers and a Government Grant.
"Voluntary contributions" represent the amounts raised locally
in each Tillage by assessmentforSchool Maintenance.
Arerage daily attendance in Greek-Christian Schools 32,783.
Boys' and Girls' attendances are not separately recorded.
Managed by the Governing Body of Moslem Secondary Schools
under the Education La***, 1920.
• N o Returns.
Including Entrance Fees and sums contributed for re-building.
These Schools also train teachers for the Elementarr Schools.
The Greek-Christian Secondary Schools are now managed by Com–
mittees under the Secondary Education Law. 19*23.
School Tax represents the School Fund of H)<ft of the -urns
collected under the Elementary Education Law, 1923.
Supported by Church Funds and admission fees.
A Private School on the lines of an English Grammar School.
Supported by the reformed Presbyterian Mission.
A private "finishing"School teaching languages and music.