Date of the Proclama–
tion or Order
Transmitted to England
7th Jan.
9th Jan.
9th Jan.
18th Jan. ..
28th Jan. ..
5th Feb.
12th Feb. ..
21st Feb. ..
25th Feb. ..
6th March ..
2nd March ..
8th March ..
9th March ..
3rd April
3rd April ..
3rd April
16th April ..
16th April ..
17th April ..
17th April ..
22nd April ..
25th April ..
29th April ..
13th May ..
20th May ..
21st May ..
23rd May ..
7th June
21s: June ..
22nd June ..
3rd July
8th July
17th July .
17th July .
O R D E R S IN COUNC-X—conttntted.
No. 1231.—Areas within which wild birds may be shot between
1st February and 31st March, 1929
No. 1282.—Hotels and PubUc Buildings Regulations, 1928..
No. 1283.—Registration of United Kingdom Designs Rules,
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No. 1284.—Export restrictions (Amendment of Order in Council
No. 1253 of llth September, 1928)
No. 1285.—Authority to Municipal Council, Limassoi, to
borrow £10,000 for the improvement of the water supply,
amelioration of streets, etc.
No. 1286.—Co-operative Credit Societies Rules, 1929
No. 1287.—Athrakos (Limassoi District) to be a prescribed
village under the Goats Law, 1913 ..
No. 1288.—Importation of Raw Hides and Skins free from
Customs duties
No. 12S9.—Merchant Shipping (Wireless Telegraphy) Rules
Amendment Rules, 1929
No. 1290.—Importation of carobs free from Customs duties
No. 1291.—Suspension of operation of the Shop Hours Order,
1928, in Nicosia and Larnaca towns on 3rd March, 1929 ..
No. 1292.—Carobs : Amendment of Order in Council No. 668
of 15th May, 1916, re importation of plauts, etc., into Cyprus
No. 1293.—Suspension of operation of the Shop Hours Order,
1928, in the Colony on 10th and 17th March, 1929
No. 1294.—Registration of Partnerships and Business Names
Rules, 1929
No. 1295.—Prohibition of importation into Cyprus of blasting
powder save under licence
No. 1296.—Suspension of operation of the Shop Hours Order,
1928, in respect of barbers' shops in towns ...
No. 1297.—Motor Car (Amendment) Regulations, 1929
No. 1298.—Leper Asylum Regulations, 1929
No. 1299.—Certain portions of Delmited State Forest to cease
to be Forest under the control of Government
No. 1300.—Cyprus (Annexation) Regulations, 1929
No. 1301.—Authority to Municipal Council, Kythraea, to borrow
£100 for opening and constructing a new street
No. 1302.—Railway (Amendment) Regulations, 1929..
No. 1303.—Appointment of inspectors to examine into the
affairs of the Municipal Council of Morphou
No. 1304.—Importation of carobs into Cyprus prohibited save
under licence
No. 1305.—Importation of seed potatoes
No.1306.—Post Office (Desert Route-Rate of Postage) Order,
No. 1307.—Certain portions of Delimited State Forest to cease
to be Forest under the control of Government
No. 1308.—Amendment of the Shop Hours Order, 1923 ..
No. 1309.—Certain portions of Delimited State Forest to cease
to be Forest under the control of Government
No. 1310.—Authority to Municipal Council, Paphos. to borrow
£250 for improving the town water supply
i3H. Grant of permit under the Missionary, Educational
and Medical (Alien Regulation) Law, 1922
No 1312.—CanceUation of Article 1 (1) (6) of Order in CouncU
No. 813 of 22nd September, 1920, re re-importation into
Cyprus of dutiable articles previously exported
No. 1313.—Motor Car (Amendment, No. 2) Regulations, 1929
No. 1314.—Prohibition of importation into Cyprus of motor
cars with left-hand drives
No. 1961 of Jan. 11.
No. 1963 of Jan. 18.
No. 1963 of Jan. 18.
No. 1964 of Jan. 25.
No. 1965 of Feb. 1.
No. 1967 of Feb. 15.
No. 1969 of Feb. 22.
No. 1970 of March 1.
No. 1970 of March 1.
No. 1973 of Mar. 15.
No. 1972 of March 8.
No. 1973 of Mar. 15.
No. 1973 of Mar. 15.
No. 1976 of April 5.
No. 1986 of May 3L
No. 1977 of April 12.
No. 1977 of April 12.
No. 1978 of April 19.
No. 1978 of April 19.
No. 1978of April 19.
No. 1978 of April 19.
No. 1980 of April 26.
No. 1980 of April 26.
No. 1981 of April 3.
No. 1983 of May 17.
No. 1985 of May 23.
No. 19S5of May 23.
No. 1986 of May 31.
No. 2021 of Dec. 13.
No. 1992 of June 28.
No. 1992 of June 28.
No. 1995 of July 12.
No. 1995 of July 12.
No. 1997 of July 26.
1 No. 1997 of July 26.
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