BOARDS, and any other Public Bodies in Cyprua.
Net A m o u n t ot Debt.
Amount of original debc: £575.
Amount repaid : £280.
Amount outstanding on 3lst December,
1927 : £295.
To whom due: To Anajotides Brothers,
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose :
Slst March, 1926, for the payment of
an outstauding loan incurred for the
Improvement of the Water Supply.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fnnd and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Municipa–
lity. The Municipal Councils Law,
Amoont of original debt: £95.
Amount repaid : £40.
Amount outstanding on 31st December,
1927 : £55.
To w h o m due: To the Church Com–
mittee of Athiaenou.
Rate of interest: 3 per cent.
When incurred, aud for whac purpose :
November, 1926, for the purpose of
improving the water supply of
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund, and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Munici–
pality. The Municipal Councils Law,
1. AmounCof original debt: £7,851 8s.
Amount repaid : £7,051 8s.
Amount outstanding on Slst Dec.,
1927: £800.
To whomtdue: T o Loan Commis–
Rate of interest: 4 per cent, and 6 per
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose :
1908,1915 and 1919 for constructing
variousMunicipal Works, building of
Market and for Flood Works.
Provision for paymenc of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Munici–
pality. The Municipal Councils
Law, 1882, and the Public Loans
Law, 1897.
2. Amount of original debt: £620 12s.
Amount repaid : £155 3s. 2cp.
Amount outstanding on 31st D«c.,
1927 : £465 9s. 4cp.
To w h o m due : To Y. D . Midella
legacy for Town water supply.
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred and for what purpose :
13th March, 1926, for the purchase
of a house near the Municipal Mar–
ket aud the repair of the streets of
the Town.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made : General Revenue of Mu–
nicipality. The Municipal Councils
Law, 18*82.
Qualifications of
Electors and number
See Sec. 8 of Law
6 of 1882.
Moslem ... 78
Christian ... 513
Total... 591
See Sec. 8 of Law
6 of 1882.
Christian... 442
See Sec. 8 of L a w
6 of 1882.
Moslem... 466
Christian 2,038
Total ... 2,504
Number of Electors
•otlog at the last con-
teeted Election, giving
name of Municipality.
•tc and Ward or Ol*.
trlct iu which Election
took place.
Moslem ... 58
Christian ..342
N o poll took
place, the
being not in
excess of the
number of
• • < : . : . " • ! '
. 1,737
QoTsrnin-f Body.
(Names of, and Mode of appointment-)
Achilleas G. Tiggiridis, President.
Georghallis L. Chrysochoos Vice-
Loizos Louka Vasili
Kyriakos Chr. Anayotoa
Theodoros Krambides
Theofvlactos M . Patsalos
Petros G. Karkides \- Members.
Haji Demetris Moughi
Mehmedali Hussein Ali
Ioannis A. Litras, President.
Georghios Haji Yannakou,
Panayioti G. Lytra
Costas Ph. Haji Yanni
Evelthon N. lacovides
Christodoulos G. Lam- \ Members.
Miohael Haji Christofi j
Charidimos I. Haji Charon J
iA-iN. Zenon, President. •
• •"•-'• •
! :D..iE. Nicolaides, Vice-President:
Chr. L. Rossides
S. Tornarides
E. N. Zenon
Ph. J. Kyriakides
Chr. D. Haggipavlon
Ahmed Khouloussi Eff.
Hj. Hussein Agha.
Mehmed Khouloussi Eff.
V Members.
11 A