B O A R D S , and any other Public Bodies in Cyprus.
S'ct Aiiiuma ot Dent
Qualification of
Electors aad number
I. Amount of original debt: £500.
Amount repaid : £379 12s. lcp.
Amount outstanding on 3 lst Dec.,
1927 : £120 7s. 8op.
To whom due: To Loan Commis–
Race of interest: 5 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose :
13th August, 1919, for the extension
of the sea wall.
Provision for paymeut of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it is
made: General Revenue"of Munici–
pality. Tbe Municipal Councils Law,
1882,and the Public Loans Law, 1897.
2. Amount of original debt : £3.000.
Amount repaid : £1,622 8s.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec.,
1927: £1,377 12s.'
To whom due : To Loan Commis–
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose:
12th October, 11)21, for the instal–
lation of electric light.
Provision for paymenc of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Munici–
pality ; the Municipal Councils Law,
1882,tfe the Pni.lie Loans Law, 1897.
3. Amount of original debt: £."»<K).
Amount repaid : £5S us. Hep. i
Amount outstanding on .'Use Dec..
1927 : £441 19s. lcp.
To whom due: To Mr. G-. N. Dimitriou.
Rate of interest: 7 per <*ent.
When incurred, and for what purpose :
19th February, 1923, for the repair j
of streets.
Provision for payment of interest or j
sinking* fund and Laws by which it is I
made: General Revenue of Munici- j
palitv. The Municipal Councils
Law| 18A2.
4. Amount of original debt : £2,000.
Amount repaid : £413 Os. 2cp.
Amouut outstanding on 31st Dec.,
1927 : £l,.i8<> 19s. 7cp.
To whom due: To Mr. G. N. I Hmitriou.
Rate of iuterest : 7 per cent.
! When incurred, and for what purpose :
22nd July, 1923. for the purchase of
j a second engine for the electric light
Provision for payment of iuterest or
! sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made : General Revenue of Muni–
cipality. The Municipal Councils
! Law, 1882.
| 5. Amount of original debt: £600.
| Amount repaid : £62 16s. 6cp.
[ Amonnt outstanding on 31st Dec,
1927 : £537 3s. 3cp.
To whom due: To Loan Commis–
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
When incurred, and for what purpose:
7th October, 1926, for the erection
of petroleum aud petrol stores and
for other municipal works.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fuud and Laws by which it
is made : General Revenue of Muni–
cipality. The Municipal Councils
Law, 1882, and the Public Loans
Law, 1897.
See Sea 3 of Law
6 of 1882.
Moslem ... 435
Christian 1,474
Total... 1,909
Number ot
Electors I
TotinR at ths last coo*
tested Blaotion. Kit-ins
name ot Municipality,
ate. and
Wanl or Ola*
triot in which Election
took place.
No poll took
place, the
being not in
excess of the
number of
Moslem aud
doTerain*- Body.
(Names of, and Mode of appointment.)
The Hon. Demetrios N. Demetriou,
O.B.E., M.E.C., President.
Georghios P. Aradipiotis, Vice-President.
Philippos Y. Papadakis
George S. Vassiliades
Stelios H. Tsolakides
Zenon I. Efthymiades
Miltiades Baldasseridus
Kiamil Kansan
Ahmed Rashid Kanaan
Selim Said Kanaar.
• Members.