B O A R D S , and any other Public Bodies in Cyprus.
Hut Amouut of Debt.
Amouut of original debt : £4,A20.
Amount repaid : £1,170 13s. lcp.
Amount outstanding on 31st December,
1927 : £3,2-49 BR. 8cp.
To whom due : Loau Commissioners.
Rate of interest: 4 per cent. .& 5 per cent.
When incurred, and for wbat purpose :
loth October, 1913, and 9th July,
1925, for the erection of a Muni–
cipal building, and for the con–
struction of a new Slaughter house
and the widening and improve–
ment of the streets of Nicosia town.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund, and Laws by which it is
made: General Revenue of Muni–
cipality. The Municipal Councils
Law, 1882, and the Public Loans
Law, 1897.
Amouut of original debt: £ 100.
Amount repaid : £25.
Amouut outstanding on 31st December,
1927: £75.
To wbom due : Loau Commissioners.
Rate of interest: 5 per cent...__. ••____
When incurred, and for what purpose :
liith January. l'J26, for -.he comple–
tion of the Municipal Market.
Provision for paymeut of interest or
sinking fund, and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Munici–
pality. T h e Municipal Councils Law,
1882, and the Public "Loans Law, 1897.
A m o u n t of original debt: £100.
Imount repaid : £25.
Amount outstanding on 31st December,
1927, £75.
T o w h o m due : Loan Commissioners. -
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred, and for what purpose :
5th January, 1926. for the repair of
tiie street leading from che Police
.Station to FCeplialovrissoa.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund, and Laws by which it is
made : General Revenue of Munici–
pality. The Municipal Councils Law,
1882, and the Public Loans Law. 1897.
Qualification of
Electors and number
•See Sec. 8 of L a w
6 of 1882.
Moslem ...1,658
Christian 3,043
Total ... 4,701
See Sec. 8 of L a w
6 of 1882.
Moslem ... 32
Christian... 786
Total... 818
See Sec. 8 of L a w
6 of 1982.
Moslem ... 248
Christian ...•'• 85
Total... 333
NaintMr ol HXmaton
rotlnc »• *•>• iMt eon-
i « u « SlMtlon, fi"n»
nmtam ot Municipalitr,
tie.. »na W»rt or Dit-
tnci tn wlilob Slwtttos
took pise*.
Moslem ... 699
Christian 2,167
See Sec. 8 of L a w
6 of 1882.
Christian... 437
N o poll took
place, the
being not in
excess of the
number of
Christian ... 666
Moslem :
N o poll took
place, the
.being not f n y '
excess .of the •'•
number of •
Christian :
N'o Christian
candidates were
N o poll took
place, che
being noe in
excess of the
number of
Governing* 3odj*.
(Names of, and Mode of appointment)
Georghios Markides, President.
Georghios E. Pouliaa, Vico-Presidont.
The Hon. Stavros Stavri-
nakis, M.E.C., M.L.C.
The Hon. Georghios
Hajipavlou, M.L.C.
Costas Christodoulou
Christodoulos Kalavroa
Nicolaos G. lacovides ^ Members.
Ismail Shevket Baghcha-
Pertev Zouhdi
Fadil Haji Niazi
Mehmed Nejmi
One vacancy/
Eratosthenis Ierides. President.
Georghios Demetriades, Vico-Presidont.
Evagoras Tofarides
Iacovos MichaeUdes
Vassilios GavrieUdes
Lambria Ktori Taliouri y Members.
Petris Haji Haralambou
Costis Demetri Kentoni
M e h m e d Ibrahim
Ahmed Khalid, President.
A h m e d Glialib, Vice-President.
Sami Salim
Hassan Hilmi Haji Emin
Mehmed Emin Agha.
•Youasuf Zia Haji Tevrrifc > Membert.
Mustafa „ f a Haji Raisih
Neofytoi* Piuillides'••••.•• .
Antonios Christodoulou j
Kyriakos Lemonorides, Prescient.
Nicolaos Tannakifolios.Vice-President
Panayiotis M . Kauik.ides
Loukas Christodoulou
Panayiotis Lemonoddes
Athanassis Kyriakou
Sofronios Christodoulou
Antonios Haji Pavlou