PARCEL YOST.—continued.
C O L L E C T I O N O F T R A D E CHARGES.—continued.
R E M B O I T R S E M E N T SYSTEM.—continued.
The amount of Trade Charge shall not exceed the limits accepted by the country of
destination and the maximum shall in no case exceed £40 including the fees payable at the Office
of Origin and postage.
Every '•Remboursement Parcel" posted or delivered in Cyprus shall be chargeable
with such special fees as may be prescribed for that purpose.
The fees payable at the office of origin will be collected at the time of posting- and
should be included by the sender in the amount required to be collected from the addressee.
The full amount so collected is remitted to the sender of the parcel by means of Trade Charge
Money Orders.
Remboursemenc parcels may be posGed at the Post Offices at Famagusta, Kyrenia,
Morphou, Lefka, Lefkara, Rizocarpaso, Polis, Lefkonico, Kilani, Larnaca, Limassoi, Nicosia
and Paphos; and at Troodos, Platres and Pedoulas during the summer season.
The sender of a parcel posted under the Remboursement system may not have the amounc
of the Trade Charge cancelled or reduced after posting.
If a Remboursement parcel which bears one address only is not claimed by the addressee
within a period of 15 days, the parcel will be treated as undeliverable. If a Remboursement
parcel bearing two addresses is not claimed by thefirstaddressee within a period of 8 days, the
parcel will be held at the disposal of the second addressee for a further period of 7 days and if
tben unclaimed will be treated as undeliverable.
For each Remboursement parcel posted in Cyprus, in addition to the usual postage and
insurance or other fees, a fee of 2cp.
For each £1 or fraction of £1 on the valne of the Trade Charge of each parcel posted
in Cvprus, a Remboursement fee of 2cp.
For each Remboursement parcel delivered in Cyprus a Delivery fee of 4$cp.
Parcels and boxes for Great Britain, certain British Possessions and Foreign
Countries can be insured, subject to a limit of insured value and the Postal Insurance
Regulations, 1925, at the Post Offices at Famagusta, Kyrenia, Larnaca. Limassoi,
Nicosia, Paphos, Pedoulas, Platres and Troodos.
The limit of insured value on parcels and boxes addressed to Great Britain is £120 ;
and £50 in the case of Egypt.
The fees payable on parcels and boxes for countries to which the system of insurance
extends a r e : —
For parcels—
T o effect an insurance of a s u m not exceeding £12
For every additional £12 or fraction thereof
• i
For b o x e s —
A postage rate of 2cp. for every 2 oz. with a minimum charge of
Registration Fee
Insurance fee for every £12 or fraction of that amount of the s u m assured
The insurance fee must be pre-paid in addition to the full postage.
The amount of compensation payable for the loss or damage of an insured parcel or
box, or its contents, will not exceed the amount of the actual loss or damage and will in
no case exceed the m a x i m u m s u m of insurance admitted by the country of destination.
A parcel containing jewellery if addressed to a British Possession or Foreign Country
must be insured for as m u c h of the journey as the regulations permit, and for at least
part of its value.
Parcels containing coin cannot be accepted for transmission by parcel post even if
Order of Officer Admini–
stering the Government
in Council No. 898 of
1st August, 1922, pub–
lished in Gatette No.
1536 of 4th August,
Notification No. 57
published in GazetU
No. 1747 of 22nd Jan.,
Ori'-ir of Officer Ad–
ministering the Govern–
ment in Council No. 196»
of 24 th August. 1925,
published in Gazette No.
1716 of 2Sth August,.
Order of High Com–
missioner in Council'
No. 1.013 of 21st May,
1924, published in Gas.
No. 1635 of 23rd Mav.
Order of the Governor
in Council No. 1030 of
12th December. 1925,.
published in Gazette No.
17tO of I8tb December..
O n every Order exchanged between the Pose Offices ac Larnaca. Nicosia, Limassoi. F ama*
guata. Paphos. Kyrenia. ATorphou, Lefkara, Lefka, Rizocarpaso, Polis, Lefkoniko. Kilani, Platres
Troodos and Pedoulas the following rates of commission are charged :— -
For sums not exceeding £l .. ... ... ...
For every addicionai £3 or fraccion thereof ...
N o single Monev Order can be issued for a sum exceedin £.0
Notification No. *3L
• published in Gazettr
fNo. 1622 of 18th Janu–
ary, 1924.
For advice of Payment of an Inland Money Order
Onier of the High Com-
2CD ] "•"-oner Mo. 437 of i 2th
' < Dec. 1907. published in
Gazette No. 903 of.13th-
Dec, 1907.