F E E S O F COURT—continued.
Where the amount claimed or the value of the matter in
dispute is £300 and over
Onfi.ing a petition in bankruptcy
O n filing a petition in a matrimonial cause
Other fees in a matrimonial cause
On fifing a petition in any other cause or matter
On filing an election petition
On filing an application other than an application in a
pending cause or matter
O n filing an application to the Supreme Court for which, no -
special fee is provided .. . - - ..
O n sealing a summons to any one to attend as a witness or
On entering a judgment or any order for which no special
fee is provided
On entering a judgment or any order of the Supreme Court
O n filing notice of appeal to the Supreme Court from any
decision of the District Court
On filing notice of appeal to the Supreme Court from any
decision of a Divisional Court
O n entering an order for leave to appeal to the Privy Council
On application to tax any bill of costs:—
For every £2 or part thereof claimed..
O nfilingnotice of review of taxation
O n sealing any writ of execution :— j . •_-.--• ^
T o recover any sum not exceeding £25
,V - ": ..
To recover any sum exceeding £25 but not £50
To recover any sum exceeding £50 but not £100
To recover any sum exceeding £100
For preparing and furnishing an office copy :— •-• " ^ .• '•'••
Where the copy does not exceed 200 words in English or
^ Greek or 130* in Turkish ..
^ E p r ey^-rvfcfnrther 100 words
or Greek ... .V '"•'• ..
Forevery further 100 words or part thereof in Turkish
For the preparation of any writ of summons
Onfilingany agreement of reference under Order X X I I . of
Rules of Court, 1927
O n filing the award of an arbitrator
On swearing an affidavit other than an affidavit of service
On marking any exhibit to an affidavit
Onfilingan affidavit other than an affidavit for service ..
On certifying any seal or signature to be the seal or signature
of the person whose seal or signature it purports to be
On certifying any copy of any record of the Court (where (
such copy is not prepared by an officer of the Court) to \
be a true copy of the original document .. .. (
Service of documents required to be served under the Rules of
Court, 1927, or under the Cvprus Courts of Justice Order
• ."
Within the limits of the town or village in which the Court,
in which the trial will take place, is situate
Within a radius of five miles of such Court, in Assistant
District Judges' cases
Within a radius offivemiles of such Court, in other cases
For each additional mile but so that the m a x i m u m shall not
exceed 10/- (in Assistant District Judges' cases 5/-)
Provided that where in an action there is more than one
defendant, or where summonses to witnesses or other documents
are required to be served in the same action and at the same
time and in the same neighbourhood there shall be chargeable
for each such additional copy of the writ, or summons to witness
or copy of any other document a fee of 1/- respectivelv (in
Assistant District Judges' cases 4-V cp.)
Same aa in a civil
action exceeding £50
but not £100.
Same as in the case
of a writ of .summons.
7 4*
10 0
15 0
0 0
0 0
1 4+
7 4*
••' 3 v 0 ^
7 4-V
15 0"
0 0
5 0
10 0
10 0
2 0 -
1 0
2 0
_ Rules of Court, 1927.
- published in Gazette
>*No. 1885 of *»lstNov.,
Half the fee charge–
able for an office copy.