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per annum.
£ •?. cp.
For a motor car the tore of which does not exceed 5 cwt
1 0 0
For a motor car the tare of which
exceeds 5 cwt. and does not exceed 10 cwt. .. .. .. . . 2 0 0
., 10 ,.
„ 15 ...
3 0 0
., 15 „
„ 20 „
3 10 0
,. 20 „
,, 25
4 0 0
„ 25 „
6 0 0
For every carriage, half of the above rates.
For every motor cycle, with or without a carriage .. .. . . 1 0 0
No licence is required for a motor tractor.
No licence is required for a motor car used by any Municipal Council
for watering or other sanitary purposes within the Municipal limits.
Licence to drive a motor car or motor cycle .. .. .. ..100
Licences granted after the 30th June in any year, one-half the fee specified above.
Order in Council No-.
396 "of the 31st July,
>1922. oublished in Gaz.
No. 1536 of 4th August,
For a licence to drive a motor car used by any Municipal Council for
watering or other sanitary purposes within the Municipal limits .. Free.
No Ucence is required to drive a motor tractor.
NOTE.—Special provisions as to visitors.
Any visitor to Cyprus importing a motor car or motor cycle for his own use is not
required to pay any registration fee or to take out any Ucence or Ucence to drive,
provided he produces to the Divisional Police Officer at the port of disembarkation his
motor car or motor cycle licence and a licence to drive, for the current year, issued by
the authorities of any country in which he has last registeied such motor car or motor
cycle and obtained such licence to drive. If such visitor fails to produce such Ucence or
Ucence to drive, he is liable to pay the prescribed fees. The term visitor means a person
visiting Cyprus for a period of four months and not longer, such period commencing
from the date of importation of the motor car or motor cvcle.
I Order in Council No.
) 1165 of 24th Jan.. 1927,
i pub. in Gas. No. 1825-
< of 28th Jan., 1927.
[ Order in Council No.
] 1190 of 27th June,
) 1927, pub. in Gaz. No.
I 185(1 of lst July, 1927.
,' Order in Council No.
] 89fi of 31st July, 1922,.
• pub. in Gaz. No. 1536,
' of 4 th Aug.. 1922.
Order in CouncU No.
j 1190 of 27th June,
i 1927, pub. in Gnz. No.
' 1856 of lst July, 1927.
Order in Council No.
1165 of 24th Jan..l927,
pub. in Gaz. No. 1825,
of 2Sth Jan., 1927.
Order in Council No.
I 1175 of 12th March,
Y1927, pub. in Gaz. No.
1836, of 13th March,
In respect of every still (a)
„ „ village still (it)
os. per annum.
Is. „
Law No. 3 o£ 192«,
sec. :', as amended by
Law No. 31 oc 1926,
sec. 6.
For a Ucence to possess a tirearm
For a Ucence to make or deal in firearms
For a special temporary Ucence, vaUd for one month, to use a firearm
in respect of which a Ucence has been issued to some other person..
£ s. cp.
0 2 0
0 5 0
0 1 0
On issue of a lease for the working of a mine :—
Fee of .30-200 Turkish Uras (£45-£lS0) according to grade and importance of
On issue of a smelting permit:—
Fee of 10—30 Turkish liras (£9-£io) according to the importance of the smelting
house, etc.
Ground Fee, 5 paras per annum per donum of 1,600 architectural square pics
For every licence granted ... ... ... ... £.5
Law 19 of 1920. Sec. 6.
Sec 12.
„ Sec. 4(5).-
The Ottoman LVl*ies
Eesrulati-ns Law of 2
shaban 1285. Art. 38.
Th*: Ottoman Mines
• Relations Law <*.f. 2
Shahan 1235. Art. U2.
The Ottoman Minea
Regulations L a w of 2
Shaban, 1285. Art. 40.
Order io Council No.
12U of 7tb De-*.. 1927,
pub. in Gaz. No. 1392,
of Ifith Dec.. 1927.
(a) Payable not later rhan the 15th July in each year.