Page 19 - untitled

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Spirits in tins and demijohns
Spirits in cases
Spirits in cask
Stones, sawn or dressed
Stones, rough ...
Stone basins ...
Terra Umbra ...
Vegetables, viz.
Tomatoes ...
Vegetable, other
Wines in caaes
Wino and Vinegar
Wine and Vinegar in cask
W H A R F A G E DUES—continued.
3c_s or WHARFAGK DUES FOR EXPORTS—<ontinued.
i icp. up to 50 okes
... < icp. from 50 to 100 okes
( 2cp. over 100 okes
I 2cp. per case of not more than 1 dozen
•" ( 3cp. per case of more than 1 dozen
(3cp. per cask containing not more than 100
... < okes
|^4cp. per cask containing more than 100 okes
... 2cp. per 100
... Is. per lighter or for every 500 stones.
... icp. each
... fcp. per 100 okes
i 3cp. per ton when shipped from any Govern-
*" ( ment Pier.
... 1 per cent, ad valorem.
... icp. per 100 okes
... jCp.
... ... "jcp. ,. „
i icp. per package not exceeding 20 okes
... < lcp. per package not exceeding 40 okes
( 2cp. per package eiceeding 40 okes
( lcp. per case of uot more than one dozen
'" \ 14cp. per case of more than one dozen
j icp. per demijohn or tin containing not more
'"{ than 50 okes
!2cp. per cask containing not more than 100
3cp. per cask containing more than 100 okes
( 4.\op. por package not exceeding 100 okes
"" | Is.
per package exceeding 100 okes
Articles unenumerated to be charged at same races as provided for articles unenumerated in
scale for Imports.
E X E M F r i O N S .
Articles shipped by the Government of Cyprus, or for the Army or Navy; personal
baggnge ; empty sacks, casks, or packages (not including jars or demijohns); straw; mats for
dunii.ige; bonafidestores and provisions for ships in port, in reasonable quantities ; goods for
other places in Cyprus-, specie ; and small packages, not exceeding os. in value,accompanying
a passenger when embarking.
?>y Law No. 22 of 1899, sec. 22 (4) stores and equipment for vessels of war and for yachts
nswi solely for the purposes of pleasure shall be exempt from the payment of wharfage dues.
Vessels berthing alongside the Piers, or Jetties, are charged the following rates for '
berthage :—
For every ton of the vessel's tonnage :—
for thefirstday ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ^cp
for each additional day ... ... ... ... ... ... icp"
(The cons chargeable to be Register Tons according to rules of measurement for the time
being in force in England.)
(I) Lighters discharging cargo from vessels in che Harbour or taking cargo for shipment
on board such vessels, and boats, exempt.
(2) Vessels which neither land Foreign cargo nor take cargo ou board for a Foreign Port,
to pay half the rates above described.
Order of High
r- missioner
published ia
' Gazette No.
of 9th
December, 1921.
For everv ton of the Teasel's registered tonnage
per diem Jcp.
) Regulations of 30th
Exemptions.—-Lighters and boats licensed under the Boats Regulations Law, 1884 ; I MaTi9^
nbSshed to
fishing boats and pleasure boats ; Ships of W a r ; Yachts belonging to recognised clubs ( Gazette No.
and wholly in ballast.
} September, 1925.