BOARDS, and any other Public Bodies in Cyprus.
Net Amount of Debt.
Law, 1897, an-! the Municipal
Qualifications of
Electors and number
N u m b e r of Electors
voting at
laat coo-
tented Election, lfiv*m*
n a m e of
and Word or Dis–
trict in which
Amount of origiual debt: £1..500.
Amount repaid : £922 18s. 3cp.
Amount outstanding ou 31st Dec,
1926: £"^77 Is. Gcp.
T o w h o m due : Ottoman Bank.
Rate of interest : 7 per cent.
W h e n incurred and for what purpose :
25th January, 1923. Electric
lighting of
Provision for payment of interest and
sinking fund aud Laws by which
it is made :
evenue of
the Municipality. The Muuicipal
Councils Iiaw, 1^2.
. Amount of original debt : £500.
Amount repaid : £200.
Amount outstanding ou 31st Dec.,
ly2d : £:ll>0.
T o whom due: Bank of Cyprus,
Rate of interest : 8 per cent.
"When incurred, and for what purpose :
31st May. 1924. Repairs of streets
within tiie Municipal limits and the
grunt of pecuniary assistance to vari–
ous individuals who sustained dam–
age from floods iu tht; town of
Provision for payment of iuterest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made: i.enerai l.evenue of the
Municipality. The Municipal Coun–
cils Law, IS82.
. Amount of original debt : £400.
Amount re|wii.i: £40.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec,
1926: £360.
T o whom iiue : Loan Commissioners.
R ite of intfivst : ."> per cent.
W h e u incurred, and for what purpose :
loth Anirust, 192"'. For the impro–
vement of Ktima water supply.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made : General llevenne of the
Municipality. The Public Loans
Councils Law, 1882
8. Amount of original debt : £1,600.
Amount repaid : £160.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec,
1926 : £\.'Ai).
T o w h o m due : Loan Commissioners.
Rate of int-rist: ."> |»er cent.
W h e n incurred and for what purpose :
l.">th August, 1925. Erecting a
Municipal market, including cost of
pur-base of site.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinkiuir fnml and Laws by which it
is made : General llevenne of the
Municipality. The Public Loans
Law. 1*97. and the Municipal Coun–
cils Law, 1882.
4 t ,- ra-o
Governing Body.
(Names of, and Mode of appointment.)
12 A