BOARDS, and any other Public Bodies in Cyprus.
Net Amount of Debt.
; Number of KJrctot-i
_ , ,
.' voting at the lout con*
Qoiil ifications of : tcitcd Ration, giv n a
l.lcctnrsnnd number' name of Municipality,
M n |Dw h | c h aecUoD
' took place.
Amount of original debt: £.>7.">.
Amount repaid : £21").
Amount outstanding ou 3 Ist December,
ly26: £360.
T o w h o m due : T o Anayotides Brothers
Uiite of interest: 5 per cent.
When iueurred. aud for what purpose :
3lst March, 192G, lor the pnyinent of
an outstanding loan incurred for tbe
Improvement of the Water Supply.
Provision for paynn nt of interest or
sinking fund and Lans by which it is
made : General Revenue of Municipal–
ity. The Muuieiial Councils Law,
See Sec. 8 of Law ! Moslem
6 of 18132.
Christian ... 513
Total ...591
•3 i Christian ...342
Governing Body.
(Samet of, aad Mode of appointment*)
Achilleas G. Tiggiridis, Presitient.
Georgballis L. Chrysochoos Vice-
Loizos Louka Yasili *
Kyriakos Chr. Anayotos-
Theodoros Krambides *
Tbeofylactos M . Patsalos
Petros G. Karkides
)• Members.
Haji Demetris Moughi
Mebmedaii Hussein Ali
Amount of original d«*bt: £7.85! Ss.
Amount repaid : £6.7*4 14s. Hep.
Amount o:w stand in-; on 31st Dec.
1926: £1.0K6 Lis. 3cp.
To w h o m due: To Loan Commis–
Rate of interest: 4 p-jr cen and 6 per
"When incurred, and for what purpose :
190S, 19' 5 and \.) \.. for constructing
various Mnniciicd Works, building of
Market and tor Flood Works.
Provision for payment- of interest or
sinking fun.I and L r.vs by which it is
male: General '.'ev-nueof Munici–
pality. The Municipal Councils
La*T. 18S2, and tiie Public Loans
Law. 1897.
See Sec. 8 of Law
fiof \*H2.
Moslem... 378
Christian 1,S98
Total .. 2,276 i
Pi. P. L. Browne, Presitient.
Vrasidas I). Lanitis, *\
> Members.
Ahmed Khoulonsi Kiou-
2. Amount of origin;
Amouut repiiid :
Amount out't.ind
1926: £620 I.'.*
T o w h o m d'.e :
legacy for Town
Rate of intense :
W h e n iucurreu ;n.
13th Marc . !'.'.
Of a il'»U.S*- IH'::,' '•
ket and the p. •
the T o w n .
Provision for [»•••
sinking fumi i
is ma'ie : <f
tiici|>ality. T h e
Lav. . IS.-.*.'.
il debt: £ 6 2 0 12s.
i ",' on 31st D'-c,
. i»'-p
"•' .'. D . Midella
water supply.
•*) p.r cent.
•vuat purpose:
.r the purchase
Municipal M a r -
•f the streets of
of interest or
\s by which it
• tine of M n - j
Municipal Councils