At bar or entrance, what is :—
(1) the minimum width ?
(2) the minimum navigable depth, L.W .O.S .T. ?
[Not".—If between the entrance and the deep
ea there are bars or shoah? where a lesser
depth occurs than the minimum indicated
above, a Hst of such obstructions and of the
depths over them (L.W.O.S.T.) =hould be
2. In the approach channel from bar or entr*
to bertliing accommodation, what is :—
(1) the minimum and m a x i m u m width ?
(?) the minimum and m a x i m u m depth,
L.W O.S.T. ?
3. What is—
(1) theriseand fall of tides
(a) ordinary springs,
(b) ordinarv neap*. !
12) the rise of ordinary neaps above
L.W.O.S.T. ?
What are the respective lengths of piers,
wharves, or (in the case of enclosed docks)
dock quays, where the m a x i m u m depth of
water, referred to in Question 4. exists ?
What percentage does the total of these
lengths bear to the total accommodation at the
port ?
(length, loaded
draught) of the
existmc circum-
What are the dimensions
draught, and beam at that
largest vessels which under
stances, can b e —
(a) berthed alongside anv pier or wharf
(L.W.O.S.T.) ?
(b) in the case of enclosed docks—
(1) admitted direct to ?
(2) admitted through tbe entrance lock of
any important dock or docks, H.W.O.N.T.?
7. What are the dimensions (length, breadth, and
depth over sill H.W.O.N.T.) of the largest dry
dock orfloatingdock in the port {
. Are operations in progress to increase the
depth of water—
(a) at the entrance and in the approach
[b) in the case of enclosed docks, at the
entrance lock, if any, of any important
dock or docks—
(c) at the principal berths—
to 40 feet at L.W.O.S.T. (in the case of the
berths at enclosed docks, H.W.O.N.T.), and is
accommodation being provided for vessels 1,000
feet in length and of 100 feet beam ?
Tf not, to what extent is deepening being effected,
and for vessels of what dimensions (length,
draught, and beam at that draught) is accom–
modation being provided or in contemplation ?
What is the maximum available depth of ,
(a) at piers or wharves, L.W.O.S.T. ?
(b) in the case of enclosed dock.** in the
entrance locks, if anv, and at dock
quays. H.W.O.N.T. ? "
(1) 150 ft,
(2) 12 .;
(1) 150 ft.
(a) 1 ft.
(b) 1 ,,
(2) 1 t,
(a) 8 ft.
1 jettv 70 ft. long
1 ,, ' 40 „
(a) length 60 ft., draught 11 ft., beam 20 ft.
(a) N o
(c) No