XVLil. O n what conditions are remissions of im–
prisonment granted 1
Answer i.
Prisoners of good behaviour and industrious in labour
sentenced to not less than two year? are, if males, after
three-fourths, or, if females, after two-thirds of their
term of imprisonment has expired, recommended to the
Governor for remission of their sentence, with, or
without, Ticket of Leave.
X I X . Have Coroner's Inquests been held on every
occasion of a death in prison during the past year 1
and what were the results ?
X X . 1. What was the sanitary state of the prisons
during the year ?
2. W h a t were the prevailing diseases f
X X I . W h a t are, shortly, the roles as to Diet f
Sunday ...
Tuesday ...
Friday ...
Diet allowed to prisoners earning and
keeping 1 or 2 Badges.
25 drams Olives.
30 drams Bulgur.
10 drams Olive-oil.
1 cup (Turkish) Coffee.
1 mug of Tea.
The District Medical Officer certifies as to the cause
of death.
A n inquest was held on every occasion by the Com–
missioner (Coroner) of the District on convicts who died
of any causes other than execution, viz.:—on
(1) Convict Kyriacos Gregori Tsangari who died in
the Famagusta Prison on 4th January, 1926 ; and (2)
Convict Ibrahim Selim who died in the Consumptive-
Wards, Nicosia, on 28th January, 1926:
Verdict in each case, natural death.
The following executions took place:—
(1) Convict Aresti loannou, at the Larnaca Prison,
on 16th March, 1926 :
(2) Convict Nazim Hassan, at the Larnaca Prison,
on 15th April, 1926 ;
(3) Convict Hassan Mehmet Emin, (4) Convict
Kaimakam Muharrem. (5) Convict Kiamil Emin,
and (6) Convict Ali Chelebi Ahmet, at the
Limassoi Prison, on 16th November, 1926 ;
(7) Convict Antoni Pieri, at the Famagusta Prison,
on 23rd November, 1926 ; and
(8) Convict Symeon Markoulli, at the Famagusta
Prison on 14th December, 1926.
N o inquests were held, but the Medical Officer
certified in each case that death was due to-
dislocation of the cervical vertebrae.
Central Prison, Nicosia .. .. Very good.
Rheumatism, malarial fever, diarrhoea, diseases of the
digestive and respirator}* system, influenza, dysentery,
dyspepsia, diseases of skin, syphiiis, constipation,
hernia, coli'-.. anemia, glands in the neck, bronchial
catarrh, debilitv.
D I E T A K Y No.
250 drams Bread
3 davs
1 day
1 dar
25 „ Cheese
250 ., Bread
<i0 ., Fresh Vegetables
10 „ Oil
250 ,. Bread
75 .. Cooked meat free of bone
50 „ Rice before being cooked
250 ,, Bread
50 ., Bulgur or Bakla
( 10 ., Oil
D I E T A U T Xo. 2.
The same as Dietary No. 1 with rhe addition of 50 drams of
Bread for each convict.
D I E T A U T NO. 3.
Daily'250drams oi Bread,
One day 40 drams olives,
next day 60 drains fresh Vegetables as directed in Dietary N'o. 1.
D I E T A B T No. i.
Punishment diet for all prisoners.
•"wl.. • 200 drams Bread
u a u y
l Water, Unlimited
In addition to above, fresh fruit in limited quantities m a y be
supplied when so ordered by the Medical Olficer of the Prison :
also extra diet of 40 drams olives and 40 drams raisins are
supplied once a week. ix.. raisins on Tuesdays and olives on
Saturdays to all long sentence male and female prisoners during
the months whi-ii no fruit is -riv^ii.