N o article, the importation of which is in any way prohibited or restricted under
the provisions of these regulations, shall be allowed to be imported from any place or
country from which the importation of such article is not prohibited or restricted, unless
the officer of the Customs shall be satisfied that such article does not originate in any
place or country from which the importation of such article is prohibited or restricted
and that the other requirements of these regulations have been complied with in respect
of such article.
Order in Council No.
r'ifiS published in GazeUe
No. 122H of I'.Uh May,
Any living or dead portion of apple and pear trees (Genus pyrus), the Mountain Ash -*
(Genus sorbus), the Elm (Genus ulmus), the Hawthorn, May, and Medlar (Genus crataous),
and any other species of the aforementioned genera, m a y be imported through the Port
of Famagusta only, if completely enclosed within stout packing material clearly labelled
on the outside with identification marks and the name of the articles therein' contained,
and if forthwith on importation they are disinfected or cleansed in such a manner as the \
Director of Agriculture prescribes, provided that all mould, earth, or manure imported
with the articles and all the material in which such articles were packed is forthwith
destroyed in so far as is possible by fire. Notification should be given by the importer
to the Director of .Agriculture in the prescribed form, in duplicate, at least seven days
before the arrixal of such articles.
The importation of merchandize packed in hay, straw or other fodders Ls prohibited
unless accompanied by a certificate from a Veterinary Inspector to a Local Authority
of the country of origin that such hay, straw and other fodder has been grown and stored
and the merchandize packed in a district not infected with Foot and Mouth disease, or
unless accompanied by a certificate from a Veterinary- Inspector to a Local Authority
that the packing has l>een thoroughly disinfected. The importation of merchandize
packed in such hay. straw or other fodder unaccompanied by a certificate as aforesaid
is permitted after the destruction of such packing to the satisfaction of the Chief Officer
of Customs at the port of importation. This prohibition does not affect packing in the
form of manufactured wrappers of straw.
Order in Council No.
1095 of 22 Feb.. 1926,
published in Gaz. No.
1755 of 20 Feb., 11)26.
Orderof 13th M a v ,
1926..published in Gaz.
No. 1770 of 21st May,
, 1926. and Order of
• 15th Sept., 1926. pub–
lished in Gaz. No. 1799
of 17th Sept., 1926.
The importation of nuroasted ground nuts is absolutely prohibited.
All articles, trinkets or ornaments which resemble coins legally curreuc. in Cyprns aud
which in the opinion of the Cnsioms may give rise to deception, prohibited.
DAGGERS.—Importation prohibited.
Raw Opium and Coca Leaves.—Importation prohibited except for medicinal and
scientific purposes and under license in writing of the Chief Medical Officer and into
ports approved by the Chief Collector of Customs.
Prepared Opium.—Importation prohibited.
Indian Hemp.—Importation prohibited.
Morphine, cocaine (including synthetic cocaine), ecgonine, diacetyl-morphine (commonly
known -as diamorphine or heroin), and their respective salts, medicinal opium, and
any extract or tincture of Indian hemp, and any preparation, admixture, extract
or other substance containing any proportion of diacetyl-morphine or containing
not less than onefifthper cent, of morphine or one-tenth per cent, of cocaine of
ecgonine.—Importation prohibited except for medicinal and scientific purposes
and under license in writing of the Chief Medical Olficer.
POULTRY.—Importation from Egypt. Palestine and Syria prohibited.
importation of shaving brushes manufactured in or exported
from the Empire of Japan is prohibited.
prohibited, except by license of the Chief Com–
mandant of Police in writing previously obtained.
Onier iu Council No.
1 703 of llth Mar. 1917,
) Gazette No. 1282* of 18th
' May. I'J I 7.
J Onier in Council No.
1 507 published in Gazette
\ No. 1010, p. 7«;3.
Law No. 6 of 1910,
sec. 3.
Law. No. 11 of 1920,
sec. ...
I L a w No. 22 of 1925,
[ sees. 2 and 16 (1).
| Law No. 22 of 1925,
( sec. 6.
) L a w No. 2- or *i25,
j sec. 4.
L a w No. 22 of 1925,
sees, 3 and 11 (1).
Order of Hijjh Com–
missioner of 27th M.IT,
1»22. ;>ub. in Gazette No.
1531 of Sth June. 1922.
Order in Council N o .
S02 published in Gar.
No. 14.17 of 23rd Julv,
Order in Council No.
1040 of 7th Feb.. 1925,
mibiiihed in Gaz. No.
1673 of 13th Feb., 1925.
B E E S , H O N E Y , A N D S U B S T A N C E S C O N T A I N I N G H O N E Y IN A N U N C O O K E D
\ \ou ofVith Feb" 19*25",
tion prohibited, except by license under the hand of the Governor.
'. published in G-A. No!
( lt.76 of 13th Feb., 1925.