The tollowing are the Prohibitions and Restrictions on Imports and Exports :—
I M P O R T S .
CrOATS.—Importation prohibited, save under permit of the Governor
EGGS.—Importation prohibited.
SILKWOBMS.—Importation prohibited.
prohibited except under the following conditions :—
That the permission in writing of the Director of Agriculture is previously obtained; and
Thar the importation is completed between the lst October and the last day ot .February;
Th£ each box of any consignment of eggs is sealed by a banderolle affixed by the
Government authority responsible for the silkworm industry m the country of
origin; and
. . ,
«* • -
That'every consignment of eggs imported intojCyprus is accompanied by an omciai
certificate of the Government authority specified above.
Before anv consignment of imported eegs is passed through the Customs, the proper
officer of the Customs shall inform the Director of Agriculture of their arrival and
shall forward for his consideration anv certificate or other document produced by the
importer. If the Director of Agriculture shall authorize the importation of the
consi-mment, each box of the consicnment shall be banderolled by a Sericulture
Inspector with a Cvprus banderolle, or, if the Director of Agriculture refuses to aliow
the importation, the importer will be permitted to re-export the eggs within a month
from the date of such refusal and failing such re-exportation within such period the
said esgs shall be destroyed without compensation. The Customs authorities must
notifytbe Director of Agriculture of the date of such re-exportation or destruction.
J JtiliGRANTS (Destitute, criminal and vicious',.—Landing prohibited, unless security given for
su-fi-or*. or for deportation, GazeUe 1419 of 16th April. .920, p. U2.—iS« C S . Circular
Xo.*41.»3/06 of 14th February. 1907.
L K P K I I S . — '.andin-r prohibited *. but the Chief Medical Oilicer may grant special permission
natives of the island to land.
TOBACCO.—Importation prohibited, except under permit from the <iovfn:or. if MI •.a.-'tnges
•v»'i::':,i*<L: less than 20 <>ke6 ner, eac'n and b** shii* • >: iosn than 60 tons burden <a .
:—Dulls, cows, oxen, heifers, calves, camels, horses, muies, asses, sheep, ?oats
swine and poultry : Importation restricted to the ports of Larnaca, Famagusta,
L ni:'."oi, Kyrei-ia and Paphos, laming to be m a d e in quarantine and with the
permission of the Director of Agriculture, or an Inspector of Cattle Disease, or a
Health Officer, and subject to :he provisions of the Orders and R.egula.ions regarding
the importation of animals published in Gazette N o . ll"»4 of 12th February, 1915.
D O G S . — T h e importation of dogs other than those imported direct from the United K i n g d o m
without transhipment is prohibited.
Dogs imported direct from the United K i n g d o m without transhipment m a y only
be landed at the ports of Famagusta. Larnaca and Limassoi and are subject to four
months quarantine on arrival in Cyprus. The Customs Authorities require satis–
factory proof of place of origin and course of shipment of every dog imported in the
form prescribed bv the regulations.
L a w No. 10 of 1388,.
nec. 1.
L a w No. 11 of 1881
uecs. 8 and 9.
La**- No. 22 of 1922
nor,. 3.
Law 22 of 1922. sec.
! • (1), as ...liemit-il by
v Law No. 17 of 1J»25,
I -vr. 2; and Ov-Iur in
/ I'.nincil No. S1I9 nub. in
(•'uzette No. 1536 of 4th
August. 1922.
' Liw No. * :•. I.«!-•.
'. Order of Hish Com*
j missioner published in
*\ Gazette N o . 705. of
( 2nd August, 1901.
I L a w N o . 24 of 1S79,
( sec. 26.
L a w No.. 4' of 18S0,
sees. 2 (K) and 10.
Res-iilation** of the
2.>th .Jan., 19*26, pub–
lished in Gaz. No. 1743
of the 29t!i Jan., 1926,
as amended by Order
of the Governor dated
the 29th May, l'J26,
published in Gaz. No.
1771 of •'•th June. 1926,
and by Order of the
Oiricer Administering
the Government dated
the 12th Aug., 1926,
published in Gaz. No.
1.93 of 20th Aug.,
Onier oi Hi<-h Com-
[ nii*Mii>mT in Council
C ouoiisiied in Gazette No.
'.'.t-* of l»t March. 1901
The importation into the Island of the under-mentioned goods, articles and merchandise
is prohibited absolutely:
(1). Silver or copper coins.
(2). Desiiliks, altiliks or metallique piastres.
:••). All sovereigns and half sovereigns coined before the reign of Her late MoBt
(rratinus Majesty (jueeu Victoria.
(4>. Al! sovereigns and half sovereigns vrhich are below the least current wei?Iit as
defined in --The Coinage Act, 1870," or are otherwise not legally current in Engiand.
(5). The substance Known as Hashish.
16). Salt or'ier than table and rock suit.
(a) Tobacco mar, however, be imported by parcel post in small quantities on paym-jnt of an additional duty of <\ef. per oke. or
traction ot an o*e. (razrtte 6'j» of 25th" May. 1901. pace 449S. If otherwise imported than .hrout-a the Parcel Post "under special permit-
6ion from tne itovernor in packages of less than 20 okes. there is payable in addition to the Customs duty a further import duty
tti ls. ;i-r oke. or fraction of an oke. Gaztttt 71S of 17th January. 1902. page 4694.
S.Pt.—The Nobel's Explosive Comnanv par a rental ot £0 on 1st August each year in order to meet expenses in connection with
/a-vrdir..,- (Art. 1. Apreumi-nt. of l^th May,*1905, M.P. lt-73/04.)