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ROARDS, aud any o.hsr Public Bodies in Cyprus.
N o t A m o u n t of Do'oi.
'iuiiliricatioii-i of
Electors and number
! registered.
. A m o u n t of origin..! debt : £ 3 0 0 .
Amount repaid : £ 19»..
Amount outstanding on 3 ist Dec,
19*J.' : £104.
To w h o m due : Orphans 'trust Fund.
Rate of interest: 7 per cent.
W h e n incurred and fm* what purpose :
1st October, 1911. For the purchase
of Mesoyi Water.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which
it is made : Revenue of the Muni–
cipality. The Municipal Councils
Law, 1882.
t. Amouut of original debt: £2,000.
Amount repaid : £800.
Amount outstauding ou Slst Dec.,
I !925: £1,200.
T o w h o m due : Loan Commissioners.
! Rate of interest: 4 per cent.
W h e n incurred and for what purpose :
15th August, 1919. For purchase of
! water for the town.
! Provision for pavmeut aud Laws by
which it is made : Increased water
I rates. Increased Municipal Market
| rent and Slaughter House fees.
| The Puhlic Loans Law, 1897 and j
; tbe Municipal Councils Law, 1882. j
1 3. Amount of original debt: £2,000.
j Amount repaid: £600.
| Amount outstanding on 31st Dec., !
1925: £1,400.
To w h o m due: Lonu Commissioners, i
Rate of Interest: .". per cent.
I W h e n incurred and for what purpose : J
12th April. 1922. For Electric
lighting of Ktima.
Provision for payment of iuterest or |
; sinking fund and Laws by which it J
is made: Fees leviable by the Muni- 1
cipality in respect of trade rates,
general revenue and by taxation of
every occupier or renter of lands,
etc., or other immovable property.
J The Public Loans Law, 1897 and
the Municipal Councils Law, 1882.
: 4. Amount of original debt: £490.
Amount repaid : £90.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec,
1925 : £400.
T o w h o m due: Orphans Trust Fund.
i Rate of interest : 8 per cent.
! W h e n iucurred and for what purpose :
: l*th July, 1922. Electric lighting
of Ktima.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which
it is made : Trade rares. general
revenue ami taxation of overv
occupier or router of lauds, lion-..-..
etc. or other immovable property.
j The Public Loans Law, 1897 and
I the Muuicipal Councils Law, 1882.
See Sec. 8 of Law
6 of 18*2.
Moslem ... 318
Christian... 454
*4umB<r >t HiKiJir* ,
-/otiot- at ti* :*,.. con- ,
**»•.-»». Zitcuon, -firing i
nam* of Vfanicipnlitj, I
eta., tad Ward or Dia-
I tnut m *»-.ic!i Election
l toot -jlice.
Municipality of
Moslem ... 230
Christian... 321
("loferuinif Body.
(Names uf, and Mole of appointment.)
Nicolaos I. Nicolaides, President
Stefos Rouraiis, Vice-President.
Themistokles A.
Iacovos lacovides
Charalambos Nicolaides ... ,
Eyyoub Nejra-ed-din
Hafouz Djevded
Nedim Rejai
Fadil 3eidali