B O A R D S , and any other Public Bodies in Cyprus.
Net A m o u n t of Debt.
Provision for payment of iuterest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made: Fees leviable by the Muni–
cipality in respect of trade rates,
general revenue aud by taxation of
every occupier or renter of lands,
etc., or other immovable property.
The Public Loans Law, 1897 and
the Municipal Councils Law, 1832.
Amount of original debt: £490.
Amount repaid : £90.
Amount outstauding on Slst Dec,
1924 : £400.
T o whom due: Orphans Trust Fund.
Rate of interest: 8 per cent.
W h e n incurred and for what purpose:
ISth July. 1922. Electric lighting
of Ktima.
Provisiou for payment of interest or
. sinking fund and Laws by which
it is made: Trade rates, general
revenue and taxation of every
occupier or renter of lands, houses,
etc. or other immovable property.
The Public Loans Law. 1897 and
the Muuicipal Councils Law, 1882.
. Amouut of original debt: £1,500.
Amonnt repaid : £737 13s. 3cp.
Amoont outstanding on 31st Dec,
1924: £762 ls. Gcp.
To w h o m due : Imperial Ottoman
Rate of interest : 7 per cent.
W h e n incurred aud for what purpose :
25th January, 1923. Electric
lighting of Ktima.
Provision for payment of interest and
sinking fund aud Laws hy which
it is made: General Revenue of
the Municipality. The Municipal
Councils Law. 1«**!2.
. Amouut of original debt r £500.
Amount repaid : Nil.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec,
1924 : £.->ut).
To whom due : Trapeza Kypron,
Rate of interest : 8 per cent.
When incurred and for what purpose :
31st Mar, 1924. Repairs of streets
within die Muuicipal limits and the
grant «•(•' -R-cuuiury assistance to vari–
ous individuals who sustained dam–
age from floods in tin* town of
Provision for payment of incerest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made : General revenue of the
Municipality. The Municipal Coun-
' cils Law, 1882.
Qualifications of
Electors and numbei
Number of Electors
rotine at the last con–
tented Election.givini;
name ot Municipality.
etc.. and Ward or Dis–
trict in which Election
took place.
Qoverainf- Body.
(Names of, aud Mode of appointment.)