B O A R D S , and any other Public Bodies in Cyprus.
Net Amouut of Debt.
Qualification of
Electors aad number
Amount of original debt: £5,281 18s. lcp.
Amount repaid: £301 os. 2cp.
Amount outstanding on 31st December,
1924 : i4,980 12s. Sep.
To whom due: (a) Loan Commissioners.
(6) Private Individual.
Rate of interest: (a) 5 per cent, (b)
7 per cent.
When incurred and for what purpose :
(u) 12th August, 1919, aud 12th
December, 1921, (b) During 1923 and
1924, for constructing certain works of
public utility and for the installation of
electric light.
Provision for paymeut of interest or
sinking fund and' Laws by jwhicb it is
made: General Revenue of Municipal–
ity; tbe Municipal Councils Law. 1882,
and the Public Loans La**, 1897.
Amount of original debt: £57S.
Amount repaid : £240.
Amount outstanding on 31st December,
1924: £335.
To whom due : To Kyprianou Brothers
of Ano Lefka*-... Rate of inteiest:
5 per cent.
When incurred and for what purpose :
17th August, 1923. Improvement of
Water Supply.
Provision tor payment of interest or
sinking fund and Lane by which it ia
made : General Revenue of Municipal–
ity ; the Municipal Councils Law, 1882.
Amount of original debt: £7.351 8s. Ocp.
Amount repaid: £6,251 Ss. Ocp.
Amount outstanding on 31st December,
1924 : £1.600.
To whom due: To Loan Commissioners.
Rate of interest: 4 per cent, aud 6 per
'When incurred and for what purpose :
1908, 1915 and 1919 for constructing
various Municipal Works, building of
Market and fur Flood Works.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it is
made: General Revenue of Munici–
pality; the Municipal Councils Law,
1882', aud Public Loans Law, 1897.
1. Amouut of origi nal debt:
Amount repaid : £367 4s. 2cp.
Amount outstanding on 31st December,
1924: £6;« 15s. 7cp.
To whom due : Loan Commissioners.
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
Wheu incurred and for what purpobe :
loth February, 1923. For installing
electric light.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made. Revenue of the Munici–
pality and the imposition of a special
property rate of 3cp. in the £. * The
Municipal Councils Law,. 1S82. and
Public Loans Law, 1897.
See Sec 8 (1) (a)
(b) of Law IX.,
Moslem ... 448
Christian 1,121
Total... 1,569
See Sec. 3(1) (a)
(ft) of Law, IX,
Moslem ... 80
Christian ... 513
Total ... 593
Number of Hectors
voting at the last con–
tested Election, giving
name ot Municipality,
etc and Ward or Dis–
trict in which Election
took place.
See Sec. 3 (Oof
Law IX., 1907.
Moslem... 289
Christian 1,253
Total ... 1,542
[Moslem .
Total .
No polling has
been held; the
having been
declared as
duly elected
under Sec. 17
(1) of Law I X
of 1907.
Moslem : No
polling has
been held; the
having been
declared as
duly elected
under .Sec. 17
(J)of Law I X
of 1907.
Christian... 247
No poll took
place, the
being not in
excess of the
number of
Governing Body.
(Names of, and Mode of appointment).
Demetrios N. Demetriou, President.
Georghios P. Aradipiotis, Vice-President
Nicolas Hj. Loizi
Dimitrios A. Prastitis
Stelios H. Tsolakides
Alexandres Tsirkotis
Spiros M. Petrakidea
Halil Ibrahim
Mehmed Sami
Kiamil Kanaan Eff.
r Members.
Achilleas G. Tiggiridis, President.
Georgballis L. Chrysochoos Vice-
Loizos Louka Yasili *.
Achilleas Hj. Constanti
Michail Yorghi Poyiatzi
Theofylactos M. Patsaloe
Georghios S. Orphanos )• Member*.
Hj. Demetris Moughi
Mehmedali Hussein Ali
A. N. Zenon, PreaideiU.
Dr. Ch. L. Rossides, Vice-President.
G. Pilavachis
Dr. S. Tornarides
C. M. Schisas
D. E. Nicolaides
Yancos Loukides
M. Reshad
y Members.
George S. Emphiedji, President.
Michail I. Loisides, Vice-President.
George N. Papadopoullos
Hj. Georgios Hj. Koumi
Epaminondas Kokkonis
Nic. K. Nicolaides
*- Members.
A. E. Christodoulides
Mahmoud Jellalettin Niai
Mustafa Fadil Met.med