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7.—A summarised statement of any developments in the agricultural, forestal, fishing, mining, and other industries
of tbe Island .Inring the year nnder review, with a statement as to progress up to date. A special account should be
given of Government grants or other action for the development of the natural resources aud industries of the Island.
Cyprus is essentially an agricultural rather than an industrial country. Developmei
has been considerable in the following industries : mining (especially copper pyrites, chroma an
umber), wine and spirit making, fruit preserving, flax, cotton, silk, leather-curing and gypsurj
Animal breeding, especially oC horses, cattle, pigs, mules and donkeys, is progressino* satis
Re-afforestation under the Forest Department is being pushed forward rapidly.
The importation of mechanical tractors, agricultural machinery and chemical manures i
Cyrus-grown tobacco is now finding a market on the Continent and experiments are bein:
made to cultivate the Larakia variety.
A small boat-building yard is in operation at Famagusta.
A m o n g minor industries, bee keeping on modern methods is developing. The Cvpru
bee is noted for its value in the .apiary.
Activity continues tr, he shown in the industry of weaving. A great varietv of silk an<
cotton fabric oi' excellent quality is manufactured and rinds a ready sale in both European anc
local markets .notwithstanding the fact that the manufacture is conducted in a primitive methoc
by the means of hand looms which are made locally. A modern silk-filature has been erectec
by Government.
Furniture making and shoe making have progressed considerablv.
The art of embroidering is also well advanced, a great number of women and girls are
engaged on needlework and lace-making. The latter is in wide demand abroad.
N o Government grants for the development of industries have been made durino- the year.