Catch of Fish
Number of boats
and persons
engaged in fishing
General Information regarding
the industry and the possibilities
of its.development
Kind of Fish
Mullet, Red and
Bream ...
Goby ...
Cuttle Fish
Eels ...
Skate ...
Tunny ...
Number of boats
engaged in fishing
109 (including 15
sponge boats.)
75 tons a
11,737 lbs.
£8,500 a
Number of persons
engaged in fishing
British Cypriots 204
In the sea round Cyprus there are plenty of
fish but unfortunately the Cypriot is uot a fisher–
man. Few of them will go out except in the very
best of weather and iu consequence the supply of
fisb is not equal to the demand. The number of
boats have certainly increased of late years but there.
is still plenty of room for improvement. T w o
Italian sailing trawlers did good work during the
summer and autumn months at Larnaca and
Limassoi aud demonstrated the practicability of
increasing the production of this very valuable
article of diet by more up to date methods than
those practised by Cypriots.
The sponge fishing bas since the year 1903 been
eutirely under the control of the Government.
The fishing in the past has been principally carried
on by fishermen from tbe Greek Islands who arrive
in the Island in the spring and fish through the
summer, areas being allotted to them by the
Inspector of Fisheries on payment of .a fishing
license; 20 or 25 per cent, of the catch (in kind)
being also paid to Government.
Thus :—
Naked diving and Harpoons ..
Machine diving apparatus
20 per cent.
| In 1924, 2 Cyprus Harpoon Boats aud 13
Machine Boats from tbe Greek Islands worked from
M a y to October ; the total catch being 3.994 okes
good sponges and 198 okes skarta ; the Government
. share was 987 _-} okes good sponges and 48J okes
i skarta.
a. These figures are *snmates. N o reliable, returns are kept