Revenue of each School.
School Tax.
of each SchooL
£ s. cp. , £ s. cp.
7,482 0 0
106 0 0
172 0 0
11,025 0 0
159 0 0
258 0 0
272 0 0 408 0 0
35 0 0 I 64 0 0
30,800 0 0 52,500 0 0
600 0 0 484 0 0
370 0 0
180 0 0
360 0 0
230 0 0
340 0 0
130 0 0
500 0 0
£ s. cp.
2,650 0 0
660 0 0
400 0 0
45 0 0
10,302 0 0
835 0 0
6,656 0 0
195 0 0 3,126 0 0
115 0 0
75 0 0
75 0 0
5 0 0
2,970 0 0
1,765 0 0
1,715 0 0
96 0 0
223 0 0
1,129 0 0
£ t. ep. j
16,816 0 0
925 0 0
770 0 0
The balance of rerenne orez expenditure remain* to the credit of
Education Fund for retiring' gratuities etc
Under the Education L a w (other than Greek-Christian) 1920, a moi–
ety of the expenditure necessary for these Schools is raised by
direct taxation, the otber moiety is provided by Gorernment Grant.
I "Voluntary conmbutions" represent the amount* added by tbe
i local Committee* for School Maintenance.
Average daily attendance in Moslem Schools 5,600.
Boys' and Girls' attendances are not separately recorded.
525 0 0 !
j j These Schools are managed by their special Committees and include
| ; some Secondary Instruction and are also aided by Church Funds
and contributions. Thefiguresare approximate.
95 0 0
i i
88,07/ 0 0 Under the E.lncarion Law, 1923, the amount required for these
SenGOis is met i-ytbe School-tax payers and a Gorernment Grant.
_" Voluntary contributions" represent the amounts raised locally
in each village by assessment for School Maintenance.
Arerage daLy attendance in Greek-Christian School* 32.565.
Boys' and Girls'attendances are not separately recorded.
1,919 0 0|; Managed by the Gorerning Body of Moslem Secondary Schools
i, nnder tbe Education Law. 1920.
7,526 0 0
3,501 0 0
3,445 0 0
2,130 0 0
2,130 0 0
231 0 0
223 0 0
1,129 0 0
") Including Entrance Fees and snms contributed for re-building.
These Schools also train teachers for the Elementarr Schools.
The Greek-Christian Secondary Schools are now managed by Com–
mittees under the Secondary Education Law 1923.
School Tax represents the School Fund of 10% of the sums
collected under the Elementary Education Law, 192:*;.
N o Returns.
Snpported'by Church Funds and admission fees.
A Prirate School on the lines of an English Grammar School.
Supported br the reformed Presbyterian Mission.
A pr.T_:c *' £'ii»h:*:g" Schvoi tcatili.^
* mi.g-j^-m asiii ai-aic.