Date of the L a w
18th Jan.
31st Jan.
15th Feb.
15th Feb.
26th March
9th May
12th May
12th May
7.2th May
12 th May
15th May
15th May
15th May
15th May
15th May
loth May
30th May
lst June
4th June
8th June
8th June
8th June
8th June
16th June
17tb Aug.
17th Aug.
17th Aug.
23rd Aug.
23rd Aug.
24th Aug.
24th Aug.
24th Aug.
24th Aug.
10th Oct.
18th Dec.
Transmitted to Kn*-
L A W S .
No. I.—To amend the Law relating to Customs, Excise, and
Revenue ..
II.—To appropriate a sum not exceeding Four Hundred and
Twenty Thousand Four Hundred Pounds to the Service
of the Twelve Months ending the Thirty-first Day of
December, in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine
Hundred and Twenty-Three
III.—To amend the Companies (Limited Liability) Law, 1922..
IV.—To amend the Law relating to Advocates
V.—To amend the Law relating to Customs, Excise, and Revenue
VT.—To protect the Revenue of Cyprus
Vii.—To make further provision for the Nine Months ended
on the Thirty-first Day of December, 1922
V m . — T o appropriate an Additional Sum not exceeding Thirty-
five Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds to the
Service of the Government of Cyprus
IX.—To continue in operation for a further term the Law to
enable Savings Banks to Sue and be Sued in the name
of the Committee
X.—To provide for Co-operative Societies (other than Co-opera–
tive Credit Societies
XI.—To provide that Persons seeking to enter Cyprus shall be
in possession of Passports
XII.—To amend the Law relating to the Storage, Transport
and Sale of Gunpowder and Petroleum,and-other Explosive
and Inflammable Substances ..
XIH.—To amend the Law relating to Municipal Councils
XIV.—To amend the Law relating to Municipal Councils
X V . — T o provide for Weighing and Measuring by Municipalities
XVT.—To amend the Police Law
XVTI.—To amend the Irrigation and Water Law, 1887
XVIII.—To provide for the Appointment of Mukhtars and Azas
and to regulate the Duties thereof
XIX.—To amend the Law relating to Customs, Excise, and
X X . — T o amend and consolidate the Law relating to the
Malicious Injury, to Property.. .. . „ . . ; ;
XXI.—To appropriate an Additional Sum not exceeding Eight
Thousand Five Hundred Pounds to the Service of the
Government of Cyprus .... .. .......
.... „
XXII.—To amend the Education Law, 1905, and the Education
Laws Amendment Law, 1907
XXIII.—To amend the Law relating to the Establishment of a
Public Loan Fund
X X T V . — T o amend the Marriage Law
X X V . — T o amend the Public Revenue Protection Law, 1923
XXVI.—To amend the Law relating to Advocates
XXVTI.—To amend the Law relating to the Malicious Injury to
Property Law, 1923
XXvill.—To amend the Law relating to Forests, Trees, and
X X I X . — T o amend the Criminal Law
X X X . — T o amend the Law relating to Customs, Excise, and
X X X I . — T o make Provision with regard to Stamp Duties
XXXII.—To consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the
Establishment and Management of Elementary (Greek-
Christian) Schools in Cyprus
XXXIII.—To consolidate and amend the Laws relating to
the Establishment and Management of Greek-Christian
Secondary Schools
X X X T V — T o amend the Elementary Education (other than
Greek-Christian) Law, 1920
No. 27 of Jan. 18.
No. 43 of Feb. 6
No. 52 of Feb. 16.
No. 53 of Feb. 16
No. 91 of March 26
No. 136 of May 9'
No. 142 of May 14
No. 143 of May 14.
No. 144 of May 14,
No. 145 of May 14.
No. 149 of May 15.
No. 150 of May 15.
No. 151 of May 15.
No. 152 of Mav 15.
No. 153 of May 15.
No. 154 of May 15.
No. 173 of June 1.
No. 175 of June 1.
No. 179 of June 4.
No. 191 of June 12.
No. 193 of June 13.
No. 190 of June 12.
No. 192 of June 12.
No. 199 of June 16.
No. 260 of Aug. 24.
No. 261 of Aug. 24.
No. 262 of Aug. 24,
No. 263 of Aug. 24.
No. 264 of Aug. 24,
No. 265 of Aug. 25.
No. 266 of Aug. 25.
No. 267 of Aue. 25.
No. 268 of Aug. 25.
No. 269 of Aug. 25.
No. 303 of Oct. 10.
No. 351 of Dec. M.