BOARDS, and any other Public Bodies in Cyprus.
Net A m o u n t of Debt.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made: Fees leviable by tbe Muni–
cipality in respect of trade rates,
general revenue aud by taxation of
every occupier or renter of lands,
etc., or other immovable property.
The Public Loans Law, 1897 and
the Municipal Councils Law, 1882.
5. Amount of original debt: £490.
Amount repaid : £90.
Amouut outstauding on Slst Dec.,
1923 : £400.
To whom due : Orphans Trust Fund.
Rate of interest : 8 per cent.
When incurred aud for what purpose:
18th July, 192*1. Electric lighting
of Ktima.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which
it is made: Trade rates, general
revenue and taxation of every
occupier or renter of lands, houses,
etc. or other immovable property.
The Public Loans Law, 1897 and
the Municipal Councils Law, 1882.
6. Amount of original debt: £1,300.
Amount repaid : Nil.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec,
1923: £1,300.
To whom due :
Rate of iuterest: 7 per cent.
When incurred and for what purpose :
25th January, 1923. Electric
lighting of Ktima.
Provision for payment of interest and
sinking fund and Laws by which
it is made ; General Revenue of
the Municipality. The Municipal
Councils Law, 1682.
1. Amonnt of original debt: £450.
Amount repaid : £300 Os. Ocp.
Amonnt outstanding ou 31st Dec,
1923 -. £150 Oi. Ocp.
To whom due : Loan Commissioners
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
When incurred and for what purpose :
12th May, 1915. Erecting a Muni–
cipal Market and improving the
Water Supply, etc.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which
it is made : Carob weighing fees.
The Public Loans Law, 1897 and
the Municipal Councils Law, 1882.
Imperial Ottoman
Qualifications of
Electors and number
See Sec. 3 (1) (a)
(b) of Law IX.,
Moslem ... 110
Christian... 240
Total ... 350
Number ot Eleotori
voting at tbe laut
Election, giving
name ot
etc., and Ward or Dis–
trict in which Election
took place.
Municipality of
Total ... 268
Governing Body.
(Names of, and Mode of appointment.)
Christodoulos Georghiou, President.
Hj. Kyriaco S. Kouppa, Vice-President.
Yangos Christodoulou
Hj. Dimitri Hj. Papa
Elias Hj. Lambi
Osman Hassib Bey > Members.
Ismail Kadri Bey
Husni Hassan Aga