BOARDS, and any oiker Public Bodies in Cyprus.
Net Amount of Debt.
1. Amount of original debt: £300.
Amoont repaid : £196.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec.,
1923 : £104.
To whom due : Orphans Trust Fund.
Rate of interest: 7 per cent.
When incurred and for what purpose :
lst October, 1911. For the purchase
of Mesoyi Water.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which
it ia made *. Revenue of the Muni–
cipality. The Muuicipal Councils
Law, 1882.
2. Amoant of original debt: £215.
Amount repaid: £155.
Amount outstanding on 31st Dec.,
1923 : £60.
To whom due: Savings Bank,
"Melissa" Paphos.
Rate of iuterest: 10 per cent.
When incurred and for what purpose :
June, 1915. Erection of Isolation
Provision for payment and Laws
by which it is made : Revenue of
the Municipality. The Municipal
Councils Law, 1882.
3. Amouut of original debt: £2,000.
Amonnt repaid: £533 6s. 6cp.
Amonnt outstanding on 31st Dec.,
1923: £1,466 13s. Sep.
To whom due : Loan Commissioners.
Rate of interest: 4 per cent.
When incurred and for what purpose :
15th August, 1919. For purchase of
water for the town.
Provision for payment and Laws*by
which it is made : Increased water
rates. Increased Mnnicipal Market
rent and Slaughter House fees.
The Public Loans Law, 1897 and
the Municipal Councils Law, 1882.
4. Amount of original debt: £2,000.
Amount repaid: £200.
Amonnt outstanding on 31st Dec.,
1923 : £1,800.
To wbom due : Loan Commissioners.
Rate of Interest: 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred and for what purpose :
12th April, 1922. For Electric
lighting of Ktima.
Qualifications of
Electors and number
Moslem ... 8
Christian... 413
Total ... 421
See Sec 3 (1)
(a) (J) of Lav
IX, 1907.
Moslem .
Total .
Number ot Jtltctori
voting et tbe lest C O D *
tailed Bfictlon, (firing
uimi of Unnicipelity,
etc., end W«nl or DU*
trlot in whieb BUotion
took piece.
No poll took
place, the
being not in
excess of the
number of
Moslem and
Municipality of
Moslem ... 230
Christian... 321
Governing Body.
(Names of, and Mode of appointment.)
Photios Sawa, President.
Kleanthis K. Kramvis, Vice-President.
Ioakim O. Loizides
Yeorghios K. Kramvis
Haralambos Hj. Menas
Photios Photiou
Pieris Hj. Michael
Nicolas Hj. Sawa
• Members.
Nicolaos I. Nicolaides, President.
StefoB Rouvalis, Vice-President.
Themistokles A.
Iacovos lacovides
Charalambos Nicolaides
Eyyoub Nejm-ed-din
Hafouz Djevded
Nedim Rejai
y Members.