B O A R D S , and any other Public Bodies in Cyprus.
Net A m o u n t uf D e b t
Qualifications of
Electors and number
Number of Electors
voting at tbe la»t con–
tested Election, glvin**
name of Municipality,
etc- and Ward or Dit–
triet in which Election
took place.
Governing Body.
(Names of, and Mode of appointment-)
2. Amount of original debt: £472 3s. 2cp.
Amount repaid : Nil.
Amount outstanding on Slst Dec.,
1923 : £472 3s. 2cp.
T o whom due: T o Orphans Trust
Fnnd. Rate of interest : 8 percent.
W h e n incurred and for what purpose :
lst December, 1923. For installing
electric light.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made: Revenue of the Munici-
palit.v. The Municipal Councils
Law, 1H82.
3. Amount of original debt:
£1,000 Os. Ocp.
Amount repaid : Nil.
Amount outstanding on the Slst Dec.,
1923 : £1,000 Os. Ocp.
T o whom due : T o Bank of Cyprus.
Rate of interest: 8 per cent
W h e n incurred and for what purpose.*
18th January, 19/*.. For installing
electric iitrht.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by which it
is made : Revenue of tbe Munici*.
pality. The Municipal Councils
Law, 1882.
4. A mount of original debt: £500 Os. Ocp.
Amount repaid-. Nil.
Amount outstanding on the 31st Dec.,
1923: £500 Os. Ocp.
T o w h o m due: To Savings Bauk
•• Salamis," Rate of interest: 9 per
W h e n incurred and for what purpose :
9th .fune, 1923. For installing j
electric light.
Provision for paymeut of interest or
sinking fund aud Laws by which it
is made: lievenue of the Munici-
j pality. The Muuicipal Councils
Law, 1382.
| 5. Amount of original debt :
£1,0.35 Os. Ocp.
Aim unit repaid : Nil.
Amount outstanding on the 31st Dec,
1923: .£1,0.55 Os. Ocp.
T o w h o m <lne : T o Mrs. Lydia Hj.
j Loizou of Nicosia. Rate of interest:
' '.) per cent.
i . W h e n incurred and for what purpose :
14th -Inly, 1923. For installing
electric light.
Provision for paymeut of interest or
sinking fund and Laws by wliich it
is made : Revenue of the Mnnici-
palitv. The Municipal Councils
Lav,' 183..