7.—A summarised statement of any developments in the agricultural, forestal,fishing,mining, and other industries
of the Island during the year under review, with a statement as to progress up to date. A special account should be
given of Government grants or other action for the development of the natural resources aud industries of the Island.
Cyprus is essentially an agricultural rather than an industrial country. Development
m a y be expected in the following industries : mining (especially asbestos, copper pyrites and
chrome), wine and spirit making, fruit and vegetable drying or preserving, carpet making, cotton,
silk,flax,gypsum, and industries connected with olive oil products. Animal breeding, especially
of horses, cattle, pigs, mules and donkeys, is progressing.
Mechanical tractors are being imported in increasing numbers.
Cyrus-grown tobacco is n o w finding a market on the Continent.
A Co-operative Society for the development of the flax industry has acquired a scutching
A small boat-building yard is in operation at Fama*>-usta.
A m o n g minor industries, bee keeping on modern methods is developing. The Cyprus
bee is noted for its value in ,the apiary.
Activity has been shewn in the past, and especially in the last few years, in the in–
dustry of weaving. A great variety of silk and cotton fabric of excellent quality is manu–
factured notwithstanding the fact that their manufacture is conducted in a primitive method
by the means of hand looms which are made locally. A modern silk-filature has been ordered
bv Government and is on its wav.
Cotton fabrics of various kinds, many of which compete with the European cashmeres,
are woven in the looms and sold locally on a large scale for suits ; a large portion of them
is exported.
Furniture making and shoe making have progressed
The art of embroidering is also well advanced, a great number of w o m e n and girls are
engaged on needlework.
N o Government grants for the development of industries have been m a d e during the year