Date of
M K:iein
llth March.
13th March.
13th March.
13th March.
13th March.
13th March.
13th March.
13th March.
13th March.
15th March.
loth March.
loth March.
16th March.
17th March.
30th March.
31st March .
26th April .
26th April .
29th April .
13th May .
13th Mav .
13th May .
13th Mav .
29th Mav .
3lit May .
31st May
9th Nov. .
llth Nov. .
llth Nov. .
llth Nov. .
llth Nov. .
llth Nov. .
llth Nov. .
11th Nov. .
lit!-. Nov.
I.—To appropriate a sum not exceeding
and T w o Thousand and Ninety-three Pounds to the service
of the Nine Months ending the Thirty-first Day of Decem–
ber, in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine
Hundred and Twenty-two
II.—To prohibit the Exportation of Dangerous Drugs ..
JJI.—To amend the Criminal L a w and Procedure ..
D7.—To amend the Law relating to the Post Office ..
V.—To provide for the Registration of Ships in Cyprus and
to authorise Ships when so registered toflya Red Ensign
defaced by a Cyprus Badge
VI.—To amend the Law concerning the Confiscation of Public
VLL.—To provide for the Construction of an Aerial Railway
from Amiandos to Limassoi .. .. ..
VIII.—To amend the Law relating to the Granting of Patents
EX.—To provide for the Regulations of Oyster Fisheries
X . — T o amend the Law relating to Advocates
XI.—To continue in operation for a further term the Eccle–
siastical Properties Law, 1S93
XII.—To make further provision with respect to Wireless
Telegraphy on Ships ..
X m . — T o amend the Immovable Property Registration and
Valuation Laws, 1907 to 1913
X I V . — T o amend the Law to enable Former Enemy Aliens to
be required to leave and remain out of Cyprus
X V . — T o amend the Law relating to Customs, Excise, and
XVI.—To provide for the Publication of a Collected and Revised
Edition of Laws
XVII.—To amend the Law relating to Customs, Excise, and
Revenue ..
XV111.—To provide for the Formation of Companies with
Limited Liability
X I X . — T o amend the Game and Wild Birds Protection Law ..
X X . — T o amend the L a w relating to Motor Cars
X X I . — T o provide for the Protection of Agricultural Fertilizers
against Adulteration
XXII.—To encourage the Development and Improvement of
the Silk Industry
X X H I . — T o amend the Law relating to Field Watchmen
X X I V . — T o provide for the Supervision of Missionary Educa–
tional or Medical Work by Persons of Alien Nationality
X X V — T o amend the Law relating to Roads
X X V I . — T o amend the L a w relating to Evidence
X X V U . — T o make further provision for the Twelve Months
__ ended on the Thirty-first D a y of March, 1922
XXV11I.—To make further provision for the Twelve Months
ended on the Thirty-first Day of March, 1922
X X I X . — T o provide for "the Destruction of Rats .. .. ,,
X X X . — T o amend the Civil Procedure Law, 1885
X X X I — T o provide for the Issue of Cyprus Treasurv Bills!!
X X X T I — T o amend the L a w relating to the Establishment and
Management o* Elementarv Schools in Cvprus other than
Greek-Christian Schools
X X X I T L — T o amend the L a w relating to Customs. Excise, and
X X X I V . — T o amend the Immovable Propertv Registration
and Valuation Laws, 1907 to 1922
X X X V . — T o amend the L a w to Provide for the Publication
of a Collected and Revised Edition of Laws
X X X V L — T o make Provision for the giving of Notice of Marriaee
and the Issuing of Certificates thereof for the Purposes of
M a m a g e outside Cyprus under the Provisions of the Act of
V V V T ^ T T ^ "
8 , 1
Parliament, the Foreign Marriage Act, 1892
XXXYU.—To amend and Consolidate the Law relating to
No. 88
of Mar. U
76 of Mar. 13
No. 80
of Mar. 1*1
Mar. 14
! No. 82
of Mar. 14
j No.
84 of Mar. 14
j No. 85 of Mar.
i No. 86 of Mar. 14
| No. 87 of Mar. 14
i No. S9 of Mar. 15
No. 90 of Mar. 15
No. 94 of Mar 15
No. 95 of Mar. 15
No. 96
of Mar. 15
101 of Mar. 17
No. 102 of
Mar. 18
No. Ill of Mar. 31
No. 112 of Mar. 31
No. 148 of April 26
' No. 143 of April 26
No. 151 of May 2
No. 170 of May 15
No. 171 of May 15
No. 172 of May 15
No. 173 of May 15
No. 194 of June 1
No. 197 of June 2
No. 198 of June 2
No. 320 of Nov. 13
No. 323 of Nov. 13
No. 318 of Nov. 13
No. 317 of Nov. 13
No. 322 of Nov. 13
No. 324 of Nov. 13
No. 321 of Nov. 13
No. 327 of Nov. 14
No. 326 of Nov. 14