Original Debt
Amoant repaid
Amount outstanding
at en*i of year
under Renew
To w h o m due
£60,000 : £15,964 4s. lid. £44.035 15s. ld
Imperial Treasury
Imperial Treasury
o per cent.
and 1 per
3J per cent.
N O T E . — U n d e r an Annex to the Convention of 4th June, 1878, between Great
Britain and Turkey the former Power undertook to pav to the Porte annually
a sum representing the excess of Revenue over Expenditure calculated on the
average of the five years preceding the date of the Convention, excluding the
produce of State and Crown lands let or sold during that period. The amount to
be paid was determined to be £87,686 per annum : this to be in addition to
4,166,220 okes of Salt to^be paid in kind.
The sum of £113 lis. 3d. per annum also became payable, under
the same Annex, since the 4th September, 1884, when the Cyprus Government
took over the administration ot the Lighthouse Service in the Island. This sum
represents 22% of the receipts of the Ottoman Lighthouse Administration which
the Sublime Porte enjoyed under the concession granted the Companv ior
lighting the Coast of Cyprus.
further Agreement of 3rd February, 1879, a further sum ot £5,000
was to be paid annually to the Porte in respect of the produce of State lands