Esrimated Amount of Paper Money in Circulation at end of year !
Currency in which Account* are kept
Colonial Oorarnment
Prirate Banks
By Government
Pounds, Shillings and
Cyprus Piastres
By the Public
Canal!v in Pia-jtre-s
Weight.-; and iLxsures in i*-»m m m use aud their equivalents in Imperial WeL'hL-* and Measures
'1 pine*. = I quart
2j-quartd= i Cyprus litre
4 quarts = 1 gallon
8 gallons******* 1 kile
{ 9 quarts = 1
Liquid )
Measure ) 16 kouz-.s******** I
W E I G H T .
400 drams — I oke
l^okes = 1 Cyprus lUra
44 okes -= I uantiir
ISO oke** = I Ale;ipo cantar
80<> "kes = 1 --••ix
12 inches = 1 toot
2 feet = 1 pic
3 feet or lb pin? = ! yard
33 Dies = I chain
2.640 pie*i= 1 :ni!e
M E A S L ' R E :
I donum —*» 6" pies or 40 yds. square
— 14.4
0 sq. ft. or -%£[ °f
a n a c r e
1,936 d o n u m s = : sq. mile 3*025 donums -=
T h e abriv-- figures as regards capacity, weight
been laid d o w n hy the Weights and Measures L a w (So. X I . •">:
IS90.- T h e d o n u m is. however, computed at dirferent sizes '•.*.-
the inhabitants in different parts of the Island, and tm-.i-jr ::*.c
Inrerpretarioti La*a- (No. X . of 1901) ir. is r-n-koued a.-* " L 6 U 0
square yards, according to the British Imperial Standard."
1 acre
ind ienjf.h ha.*e