B O A R D S , and any other Public Bodies in Cyprus.
Net A m o u n t of Debt.
1. Amount of original debt: £450.
Amount repaid : £304 12s. 6cp.
Amount outstanding on 81st Dec,
1921 : £304 12s. 6cp. including
T o whom due : Public Loan Fund.
Rate of interest: 5 per cent.
W h e n incurred.* llth May, 1915.
For what purpose: Erecting a
Municipal Market and improving
their "Water Supply, etc.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinking fund : Carob weighing fees.
Reference to the Laws by which it is
made : In exercise of the powers
vested in the Municipality by the
Public Loan Law, 1S97 and VI.,
2. Amount of original debt:
£145 Os. 5cp.
Amount repaid: £75 Us. Ocp.
Amount outstanding on 31 at Dec.,
1921 : £70 Os. ' 5cp.
T o w h o m due: Mr. Chnitodulos
Georghiou, ex-President of the
Municipality of Poli.
Rate of interest : 9 per cent.
W h e n incurred: Mr. Christodult>9
Georghiou, first Ix-i^m making
advances to the Municipality during
the half-year endimr the :>lsi !>ec.
1016, when he advanced n sum
amounting to £5 os. 2cp., to
m*'et deficiency of the Municipa–
lity. Since that dare lie iias made
advances each year up to the :>utli
•lime. l')20. w h e n he went out of
oHice his advances a m o u n t e d to
£145 0s. 5<:p.
For what purpose : To meet the
deficiency of the Municipality.
Provision for payment of interest or
sinkiugfund : Revenue of the Muni–
Reference to the Laws by which it is
made: Nil.
Qualification! of
Elector* and number
See Sec. 8 (1) (a)
(b) of Law IX.,
Electors... 110
Electors... 282
Number ol Electom
votiUK at tb* last con–
torted Election, mvine
name of Municipality,
etc. and Ward or Die-
tnct in which Election
took place.
Municipality of
Poli election
took place at
The number of
electors voted
at tlie last
electiou is
Moslem : N o
election was
Christians :
No. ... 185
Governing Body.
(Name** of, and Mode of appointment.)
Loizos Sawa, President.
Michael Papa Charaiambous,
Kypris Michail
Demitrios Hj. Argyrou
Gavriel Hj. Philippou
Mehmed Hassip Bey
Husni Hassan Aga
Kiamil Terzi Mehmed
Korkoudzade Ahmed