O N T H E 31ST D E C E M B E R , 1921.
Drafts and Remittances
Deposits, due by Government:—
Orphans' Trust Fund
Public Officers' Guarantee Fund ..
Savings Bank Account
Sundry Deposit Accounts
Depreciation account on Investments of Reserve
Fund aud Saviuirs Bank Account
Depreciation account on Investments of Note
Security Fund
Reserve Fund
£ 8. cp.
66 11 6
£ s. cp.
11,964 6 1
8,039 9 6
17,971 8 7
602,968 18 8
640,944 3 4
32,414 19 8
7,375 0 0
90.000 0 0
770.800 15 0
Balance of Assets over Liabilities as per Surplus and Deficit Account. 107.556 1 2