Catch of Fish
N u m b e r of boats
and persons
engaged in fishing
General Information regarding
tbe industry and the possibilities
of its Development
Kind of Fish
N u m b e r of boats
engaged in lishing
MuUet, Red and
Bass ...
Bream ...
Goby ...
Cuttle Fish
Eels ...
Skate ...
66 tons a
224 lbs.
£8,000 a
! £8.240
109 (including 3
sponge boats.)
Number of persons
engaged in fishing
British Cypriots 204
In the sea around Cyprus there are plenty of
fish but unfortunately tbe Cypriot is not :i fisher–
man, few of them will go out except iu the very
best of weather and iu consequence the supply of
fish i» not equal to the demand. The number of
boats have certainly increased of lute years there is
still however plenty of room for improvement,
possibly the employment of a drifter or trawler
might lead to the development of this most im–
portant industry and an increase in production of
a very valuable" article of diet..
The sponge fishing has since the year 1903 been
entirely under the control of the Government but
of course during recent years there has been a
serious falling off owing to the war. The fishing
in the past was principally carried on by m e n from
the Greek Islands who arrived in the Island in the
spring and fished through the summer, areas being
allotted to them by the Inspector of Fisheries on
payment of a fishing license and 20 or 25 per cent.
of the catch (in kind) being also paid to Government.
Tims :—
Naked diving and Harpoons
Machine diving apparatus
20 per cent.
It is not anticipated that many will come in future
2S tbey prefer now other places.
ln "iy*2l three Cyprus boats only fished for
sponges from M a y to" July, the total catch being
llh okes gixnl sponges and 2j okes skarta; of which
the Government **hai'e was 15^ okes good and $ oke
a. These figures are estimates as no reliable returns are kept