Transmitted to l',,^
24th Jan.
Uth Feb.
30th April
30th April
1st May
lst May
lst May
4th May
4th May
4th May
4th May
4th May
4th May
4th May
4th May
4th May
Sth May
Sth May
Sth May
2nd June
2nd June
2nd June
llth >*.•*;:.
16th Sept.
16th Sept.
16th Sept.
16th Sept.
22nd Oct.
22nd Oct.
No. I. — T o establish a Clearing Office in Cyprus
No. II. — T o amend the Provisional Powers Law, 1919 ..
No. III. — T o amend the Pensions Law;
No. IV — T o provide for the granting of Patents
No. V. — T o continue in operation for a further term the
Ecclesiastical Properties Law, 1893
No. VI. — T o amend the Criminal Law
No. VII. — T o amend the L a w relating to Education
No. VIII. — T o appropriate a sum not exceeding Three Hundred
and Eighty-three Thousand Eight Hundred and
Twelve Pounds to the Service of the Twelve
Months ending the Thirty-first Day of March,
in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine
Hundred and Twenty-one
No. IX. — T o appropriate an Additional Sum not exceeding
Fifty-one Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty
Pounds to the -Service of the Government of
-To .limit the number of Ownerless Dogs
-To regulate the sale and carrying of Knives
-For the better Prevention of Corruption
-To amend the Customs, Excise, and Revenue Law
No. 33
Jan. o
No. 53
Feb. 16.
No. 122 of May i
No. 123 of Mav fi
No. 124 of May 6.
No. 125 of May fr
No. 126 of May 6.
No. X.
No. XI.
No. XII.
No. XIV. -To amend the Law relating to the carrying of
Lights upou Vehicles after Sunset
No. XV. — T o provide for taking the Census of Cvprus
No. XVI. — T o amend the Law relating to the Ciearin'** Office
in Cyprus
No. XVII. — T o amend the Law rehiring to Trade Marks
No. XVIII.—To amend^the Provisional Poweis Law, 1919
No. XIX. — T o regulate the Registration of Firearms
No. X X . — T o make further provision for the Twelve Months
ended on the TBIrty-first day of March 1920
No. XXI. — T o make further provision for the Twelve Months
ended on the Thirty-first day of March, 1920
No. XXII. — T o regulate and control the Sanitation of the
Summer Camp on Mount Troodos
No. XXIII.—To --.mend the Law* relating to Customs, Excise
and Revenue
No. XXIV.—
No. XXV. —
No. XXVI.-
No. XXIX.-
To eonsolidatt* and amend the Laws relating to
tl.e Establishment and Management of Ele–
mentary Schools in Cyprus, other than Greek-
Christian School-* . .
* •
** •**
•> •
To consolidate and amend the Laws relating to
the Establishment and Management ol Moslem
Secondary Schools
-To amend the Law iciating to the Ciearin.-' Office
in Cyprus
To amend the Criminal Law
-To Establish a Clearing
(Austria) in Cyprus
-To establish an Administrator (BulgarianPropertv)
in Cyprus
.. .. .
No. 127 of May 6,
No. 12S of May 6.
No. 129 of May 6.
No. 130 of May 6.
No. 131 of May 6.
No. 132 of May 0.
No. 133 of May 6.
No. 134 of May 6.
No. 135 of May 6.
No. 136 of May G
No. 137 of May 6.
No. 138 of May 6,
No. 163 of June 2,
No. 164 of June 2.
No. 165 of June 2.
No. 296 of Sept. 25.
No. 293 of Sept. 25.
No. 292 of Sept. 25.
No. 295 of Sept. 25.
No. 294 of Sept. 25.
No. 333 of Oct. '21
! No. 332 of Oct,