XVI. Are Roman Catholic Priests and Dissenting
Ministers allowed free access to prisoners of their own
persuasion ? And are they apprised when prisoners
of their respective persuasions enter the prison ?
XVii. What provision is made for the education of
prisoners .
XVIII. On what conditions are remissions of im–
prisonment granted ?
Access is allowed to priests of all denominatior
They are not apprised when prisoners are admitte
but notice would be given if prisoners expressed a wi
to see them.
In Central Prison 3 classes oi one hour each are he
weekly ; in District Prisons there are no schools, b'
well-conducted prisoners who can read are allowed
have educational and religious books of their respecti*
Prisoners of good behaviour and industrious in laboi
sentenced to not less than two years are, if males, aft
three-fourths, or, if females, after two-thirds of the
term of imprisonment has expired, recommended to tl
High Commissioner for remission of their sentence, wit
or without, Ticket of Leave.
X I X . Have Coroner's Inquests been held on every
occasion of a death in prison during the past year .
And what were the verdicts ?
The District Medical Officer certifies as to the cau
of death. Yes. An Inquest held by the Commission
(Coroner) on convicts who die of any causes other th.
Convict Aresti Toffi was executed at the Limass
Prison on 9th November. 1920. Convict Hass.
Ibraim Zambouros was executed on 30th Xovemb*
192') at the Larnaca Prison and convict Djemal Ha
was executed on 7th December. 1920. at the KyTen
Vertic in all cases " Dislocation of vertebral neck di
to execution. "
X X . 2. What was the sanitary state of the prisons
during the year ?
2. What were the prevailing diseases :
X X I . What i.re, shortly, the rules as to Diet t
Sunday ...
Tuesday ...
Friday ...
Diet allowed to prisoners earning and
keeping 1 or 2 Badges.
... 2.5 drams Olives.
i 30 drams Bulsrur.
1 10 drams Olive-oil.
1 1 cup (Turkish) Coffee.
( 1 muir of Tea.
Central Prison. Nicosia
Very good.
Rheumatism, malarial fever, diarrhoea, diseases of fc
digestive and respiratory system, influenza, dysenter
dyspepsia, diseases of skin, syphilis, gonorhoea, cons
pation, hernia, colic, febricula, anemia, glands in tl
neck, bronchial catarrh, epilipsy,dibility.
D I E T A U T No. 1.
250 drams Bread
3 davs
1 dav
1 dav
25 „ Cheese
250 „ Bread
SO „ Fresh Vegetables
10 „ Oil
250 „ Bread
75 ., Cooked meat free of bone
50 „ Rice before being cooked
250 „ Bread
50 ., Bulgur or Bakla
10 „ Oil
DlETABT Xo. 2.
The tame as Dietary No. 1 with tbe addition of 50 drams of
Broad for each convict.
DlETABT No. 3.
Daily 2'u drams of Bread.
On.- <lay 4*i drams .jiiv'.-s,
nest <iay t'lt) tirams fresh Vegetables as directed in Dietary No. 1.
Punishment diet for all prisoners.
Q :
I -"0 dram*. Bread
/ Water, Unlimited
Iu addition tu above, fresh iruit iu limited quantities may be
supplied when so ordered by the Medical Officer of the Prison ;
also extra diet of 4" drams oiives and 40 drams raisins are
supplieil once a week. i_e.. raisins on Tuesdays aud olives on
Satuniavs to all long "-sntence male and female "prisoners during
the months when no fruit is given.