7.—A summarised statement of any developments in the agricultural, forestal, fishing, mining, and ot
of the Island timing the year under review, with a statement as to progress up to date. A special account should be
given of Government grants or other action for the development of the natural resources and industries oi the Island.
Cyprus is essentially au agricultural rather than an industrial country. The principal
industries in which development .-should be looked for are mining, wine and spirit makino-
fishing, fruit aud vegetable drying or preserving, cheesemaking, cotton spinning, o-vpsum
factories, aud industries connected with olive oil products. Except in mining, no development
in these industries, which have been conducted in primitive fashion for generations, can be
reported as having taken place in the year 1920. Activity in mining has been shewn at
Skouriotissa. where, after enforced inactivity during the war, operations have been pushed
forward in the hope that export of cuprous pyrite m a y begin during 1921. A pier has been
built for shipping and a branch line of the railway partially constructed. At Amiandos con–
siderable quantities of asbestos have been extracted, but there is no new development to
Oi' minor industries, a development of rope making during the year has been reported.
to meet the demand from Syria. Experiments in fruit drying by improved methods have
been carried out on a small scale.
A great development ol' motor transport has taken place during the year, a laro-e number
of motor cars and lorrii-s having beeu imported
N o Government grants fur the development of industries have been m a d e durino- the