G E N E R A L REGULATIONS—continued.
3. Parcels containingfish,game, meat, fresh fruit, sweetmeats, eggs, etc., or razors, scissors,
needles, knives, forks, or other sharp instruments will not be accepted unless securely packed so
as to guard against risk or injury to other parcels. Liquids or semi-liquids, such as jellies,
pickles, jpaint, varnish, etc., will not be accepted unless in bottles or cans securely stoppered,
nor powders unless so packed that they cannot escape in transmission or damage the mail.
4. Parcels shall not contain a letter, packet or parcel intended for delivery at an address
other than that borne on the parcel itself.
5. It is also prohibited to send to the United Kingdom foreign reprints of British registered
copyright works, false money, counterfeit, sterling and British silver coin below standard, tobacco
stalks, clocks, watches and metals generally bearing imitations of British assay marks or stamps.
The prohibitions as regards other countries are shewn in the Post Office Guide.
R E - D I R E C T I O N .
6. Parcels re-<h*rected from one PoBt Office to another in CypruB shall be liable to
additional postage at the full inland rate for each re-direction.
O R D A M A G E .
7. The Island Postmaster shall not be liable to make good any claim arising out of the loss,
damage or delay of parcels sent by post.
C U S T O M H O U S E D E C L A R A T I O N .
8. The sender of each parcel for abroad will be required tofillup a Custom House Declara–
tion Form. U p o n this form must be given au accurate statement of the contents and value,
date of posting, and the sender's signature and address.
C U S T O M S R E G U L A T I O N S .
9. Parcels ou arrival here from Foreign Countries will be liable to examination by an
Officer of Customs, who will assess the amount of Customs dues to be charged thereon. The
Customs dues will be collected at the time of delivery, and no parcel can be delivered until the
Customs aud all other charges are paid.
10. Parcels found to contain forbidden articles and parcels, the contents and value of which
have been falsely declared, may lie dealt with according to the laws on the subject. And
generally the senders of
parcels, whether in Foreign Countries or Cyprus, will be required to
conform to the Customs and other laws orregulationsfrom time to time in force in respect of
such parcels.
U N D E L I V E R E D P A R C E L S .
il. A parcel which cannot be delivered will be retained at the Post Office to which it is
addressed for a jjeriod not exceeding three months; but if possible the sender will be consulted
tlj-ough the Postal office of origin, as to its disposal.
12. Parcels which cannot be delivered, returned to the senders, or re-directed, and which
have thus -Decome undeliverable, will eventually be returned to the country of origin.
18. Parcels becoming offensive or injurious to any Officer of the Post Office or other person
or to other parcels will be disposed of as the Island Postmaster may direct.
1. If any article of pecuniary value enclosed in or forming part of an insured parcel be lost
or damaged whilst in the custody of the Island Postmaster, the Island Postmaster may (subject
to the approval of the High Commissioner) pay to any person or persons who may in the opinion
of the Island Postmaster establish a reasonable claim to compensation, having regard to the value
of the article, the care with which it was packed and other circumstances, such sum inrespectof
such parcel as he may think just.
The Island Postmaster is not liable either personally or in his official capacity to any action
or other legal proceeding in respect of or in consequence of the loss or damage of articles enclosed
in or forming part of any parcel. And, subject to the approval of the High Commissioner, the
decision of the Island Postmaster on all questions arising between him and any person claiming
payment inrespectof the loss or damage of any article enclosed in or forming part of a parcel
shall be
., , ,
. . , ,
9 -ui amount not exceeding £ 1 2 mav be paid by way of compensation for tbe loss or
damage of any parcel in respect of which the sender has paid the sums hereinafter menr-ionerl
in addition to the postage payable thereon.
, . ,
• * • • • •.
S In respect of everv additional payment of the sums hereinafter mentioned which may be
paid as aforesaid compensation to an additional amount of £12 may be paid: provided that the
amount of compensation payable in respect of any one parcel shall m no case exc«-prl t.b** limn, nt
insurance hereinafter mentioned.
. , * - . - •
. v
4. («) Parcels containing watches, jewellery or any other articles of gold or silver cannot be
sent bv parcel post unless insured for at least part of their value. . . .
(b) ParcelT containing coin canuot be accepted for transmission by parcel post even
(c) Anv parcel posted uninsured and found to contain any of the above named articles will
be returned to the sender by the Island Postmaster or his deputies.
S A compulsorv registration fee of U
. will be collected on the dehvery of every umnsured
parcel received from other administrations and found to contain any of the a b o - nam*, articles.
Order of High Commis–
sioner in Council No. 469
the 18th May, 1909,
published in Gazette No.
949 of the 28th May,