F E E S F O R T H E R E G I S T R A T I O N O F B R I T I S H SHIPS—continued.
T R A N S F E R A U D MORTGAGE—continued.
For the inspection of the berthing or sleeping accommodation of the crew:— £ s. cp. . Cyprua Maritime Order
-a *i_ • -J. i. 1.1. *. •
n i rt A
•-*• Council published in
For each visit to the ship
0 10 0
Gazette No. 1088 of^Oth
Provided as follows :—
October, 1913.
(A.) The aggregate amount of the fees for any such inspection shall
not exceed £1 whatever be the number of separate visits.
(b.) When the accommodation is inspected at the same time with the
measurement of the tonnage no separate fee shall be charged for
the inspection.
For the inspection of light and fog signals:—
For each visit made to the ship on the appUcation of the owner and
for each visit made where the lights orfittingsare found defective 0 10 0
Provided that the aggregate amount of fees for any such inspection shall
not exceed £1 whatever be the number of separate visits.
For the inspection of the marking of a ship :—
For each visit made to the ship on the application of the owner and
for each visit made where the provisions of the Merchant Shipping
Acts with respect thereto have not been complied with
0 10 0
Provided as follows :—
(a.) The aggregate amount of the fees for any such inspection shall not exceed 10s.
whatever be the number of separate visits.
(b.) When the marking is inspected at the same time as the vessel is being measured
for registry on re-registry no separace fee Bhall be charged for the inspection.
The following fees shall be paid in connection with applications, registrations, and Trade Marks Rules,
other matters under the L a w .
1911, published in Gaz.
S u c h fees must in all cases be paid before or at the time of the doing of the matter i9h,°^
in respect of which they are to be paid :
of 1910.
1. On application not otherwise charged to register a trade
mark for one or more articles included in one class
2. O n application not otherwise charged to register a series
of trade marks for one or more articles included in one class ...
3. On application under section 56 for leave to register a
Mark for goods in one class
0 5 0
4. On application under section 56 for leave to register a
Mark for goods in more than one class :
In respect of every class
0 5 0
Total fee in no case to exceed £5 for any number of
5. On application to Registrar to state grounds of decision
and materials used under section 10 sub-section 3
0 5 0
6. On notice of opposition for each application opposed by-
0 10 0
7. On filing a counterstatement in answer to a notice of
opposition, by the applicant for each application opposed ... 0 5 0
8. On the hearing of each opposition, by applicant and by
opponent respectively
0 10 0
9. For registration of a trade mark for one or more articles
included in one class
... -
0 10 0
10. For registration of a series of Marks for one or more
articles included in one class :
For the first Mark
0 10 0) ,.
A n d for every other Mark of the series ...
0 3 Oj
11. For registration under section 56 of a Mark for goods in
more than one class :
In respect of every class
0 10 0
Totel fee in no case to exceed £10 for any number of
12. Upon each entry in the register of a Mark of a note that
the Mark is associated with a newly registered Mark
0 1 0 19 or 20
13. O n application to register a subsequent proprietor in
caaes of assignment or transmission of a single Mark
0 10 0 19 or 20
s. cp.
5 0
5 0
R.T.M. No.
2 or 5