Amount of
Fern daring
the fear.
Whether the Whether the Office be held by Principal
iTincipal be in conjunction with anr, and what
allowed a
other Ciril, Military, or Na*ral Office or
App.-iniaient or Place of Profit ;u auy
for his personal Colony, or on the Establishment of the
Residence; or tinited Kingdom.
If the Office be held by'a Military or
Naval Officer, whether upon Full or
• if any,
Half Military or Natal Pay; the Total
for House Bent A m o a n t of Pay aud Allowances of
every kind actually received by him in
addition to the Profits of his Office.
Period daring
which the
Officer has
been Absent
from the
during tha
Whether the Principal
enjoys any, and what othar
' Advantage or Profit^
oot required to be stated in
the preceding Columns.
Date of First
under t te
£ e. ep.
Houses. Nicosia
and TrotSdos
'• 0 Od
1 0 Od
1 0 Od
Is also an Assistant Secretary in
the Chief Secretary's Office
Is also Chief Turkish Translator
in the ChiefSecretary's Office
Is also Chief Greek Translator
in the Chief Secretary's Office
Is a Member of the Executive and
Legislative Councils
Is also Clerric of the Execotire and Le-jiala-1
tiva Councils, drawing £30 and £50 p.a j
Is also Turkish Translator to the
Legislative CouncU
Is also Greek Translator to the
Legislative Council
Receives an allowanoe
of 15s. a m o n t h during
Troodos season
9 Mar., 1905
14 July, 1902
15 July, 1885
8 April, 1882
14 May, 1917 a
24 April, 19196
14 July, 1902
14 July, 1919
9 Jan., 1893
15 Jan.. 1902
1 Jan., 1910
1 July, 1910
1 May, 1914
16 Aug., 1909
15 Sep., 1911
4 Mar., 190li
1 Oct., 1916
2 July, 1917
1 Dec, 1911
13 Nov., 1918
15 Nov., 1918
15 July, 1885
8 April, 1882
1 Nov., 1919
14 May, 1919e
1 Dec. 191(5*'
(1) Mr. Malcolm Stevenson, C.M.G., Chief Secretary to Government, administered the Government, from
1 April, 1919, to 31 March, 1920.
(2) Mr. J. C. D. Fenn, Registrar General, acted from 1 April, 1919, to 26 September, 1919, and from 14 Dec,
1919 to 31 March, 1920. -Mr. C. H. Hart-Davis, Chief Assistant Secretary, acted from 27 September, to 13
December, 1919.
(3) Mr. B. J. Surridge, Assistant Secretary, acted from 1 to 23 April, 1919 and Mr. H. P. McLaughlan, Chief
Clerk, from 27 December to 13 December, 1919.
(4) Mr. G. F. WUson, Clerk, I. Div., acted from 1 April to 13 Jnly, 1919.
(5) Mr. G. F. Wilson, Collector of Customs, acted from 27 September to 13 December, 1919.
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