£t s. cp. j
£ s. cp.
Cause of Increase or Decrease
102 9 3 '
44 6 0 i
45.032 5 4
3X9 5 6
422 13 3
x-M'i 13 7
1,422 7 7
2,395 10 2
ooo _\ 2
y l 5 5
660 0 0
12 O •"»
45,961 ix 2
8,212 13 2
1,492 14 8
1.389 10 3
559 13 0
ti.l 77 5 8
117 4 0
418 15 6
*»s [) 2
Lack of shipping
Delay of arrival of Documents for the clearance of goods
public shipments and lurce exportacioos by Military Transport* free of Port
Fewer vessels arrived
Fewer passengers and muleteers quarantined
Abundant harvest, also includes £51,395 0*. 6rp. on account of grain of
1917-18 brought to account in 1918-19. Tithe grain of the harvest of
19 ix to the estimated value of £ 15,000 had not been realized and brought
to account by the 31st March, 1919
Decreased exportation of Titlieable goods
Purchase of goats by Military Authorities
More pigs kept owing to enhanced prices
More tranHactions and increased values of property
Increased consumption and transport duty on native grown tobacco
Decreased exportation
Increased sale and larger exportation
Larger uuml>er of licenses issued
General prosperity
Inm-ased output of Fuel and Timk-r for Military Purposes, no importacion
iiicreasiiiir local demands
3.9o3 10 7
S75 10 0
4 10 5
270 17 2
Includes Martial Court fines
Larsrer sale of Drugs and Commission on ISbtes
16 1
61 8 8
277 13 5
11.926 16 2
5 13 6 8
20 1 0
I«|.8I9 x 6
.,,9*9 io 5
129,433 11 8
105 6 2 |
129.538 18 1
1.766 3 6
17.49'.l 6 5
17.499 6 5
Larger cultivation
Increased transport of Fuel and Timber for Military purposes
Less Asbestos. Terra Umbra and Gypsum exported
Larger Balances and including Interest Note Security Fund
Smaller sale of Mahlul land, iu 1 ill 7-18 there was a large sale
Larger contribution from Public Works Loan Fund
Increased sales of land
129,538 18 1
17,499 6 5 Xet Increase £112,039 lis. ocp.