Private boxes can be rented at the Post Offices Nicosia, Larnaca, Limassoi, Famagusta,
Kyrenia, Paphos and Platres, at the undermentioned rates:—
Class A.
., B.
£ 1 per a n n u m or 2s. per mensem.
10s. per annum or Is. per mensem.
T h e above payments must be made in advance and no person will be allowed the use of a
box until he hasfirstpaid therefor in accordance with the above scale.
2. A key with a numlier lalwl will be supplied to each renter of a box on his depositing with
the Clerk in Chanre tbe sum of 4a. which will be returned if the renter, on ceasintr to rent his
bos. gives back his key and numlier label. Tbe renter will be responsible for the safe custody of
the key and label.
In the event of a key being lost another key will be supplied to the renter on his depositing a
further sum of As. which will be returned if the lost key is given back to the Clerk in Charge
within one month from the date when the new key w:is supplied. If the logt key is not -riven
back within this period the deposit will become forfeit.
3. The Island Postmaster, if he thinks proper, may refuse to allot a box to an applicant
without assisming any reasons for so doing, or may withdraw the privilege of renting a box by
giviui: to the renter a month's notice of his intention to ilo sn. A n y balance of rent which may
be due to the renter at the expiration of such period shall be refunded.
4. Articles and packets of a Imlky nature which tbe private lwxes will not contain will be
delivered from the parcel window during the General Delivery, notification of such articles being
placed in the Private Boxes. Registered letters and unpaid articles will be delivered during the
General Delivery at the pnl»lic counter and Registered Letter Wicket. N o letters or packets will
be placed in any Private Iio***; unless they are addressed to the person or firm renting tbe same.
X o two persons i-an jointly rent one Private Box.
5. Renters and their messengers are expressly forbidden to ask questions from the officers
f-nsraged in sorting correspondence into the Private Boxes.
K. Reuters should advise their correspondents as far as possible, to insert the No. of their
Private Lioxes in the l»ody of the address.
7. The Post Office takes no responsibility for any delay to correspondence occasioned by tbe
une i*»f Private l!oxes.
8. Power is reserved to modify or add to these Regulations from time to time as occaaion
m a y require.
Applications-for correspondence to lie re-direcrcd must in all cases be dnly signed by tho
persons to w h o m ..the letters, etc.. are to be addressed and be forwarded to the P'-st Office al.
which the ro-directions are desired to lie made and not to tbe General Post 'Iffioe. Nicosia.
Printed forms for rhe pur-mse may be obtained at all Post Offices.
Notification No. *WIS
published in Gazette
No. 724 of llth n.urt\,
1<»02. C S . 2407/1.-01.
Issued at the Money Order Offices at Larnaca. Nicosia, Limassoi. Famagusta. Paphos,
Kvrenia. -Morphou ;ind the village of Poii., also at Troodos aud Platres during che summer
season, pavable in the Cnited Kingdom and in tne following Countries, British Possessions
and Colonies and at -*1 Money Order Offices within che Island.
s. cp.
I 0
1 4-V
2 0
2 ty
3 0
4 0
pou mlage;
Ann'imt of
i In ler
i. cp.
o 0 1
6 0
7 0
7 ty
9 0
10 0
10 4V J
• lcp.
Amount of
s. cp.
12 0
12 4-V
15 0
16 0
is o
20 0
21 0
Cvprus [>ostasre stamps may be affixed to British Postal Orders to increase th<-*ir value up to
5d. by not more than three stamps affixed thereto.