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T R A D E M A R K S FEES—continued.
£ i. cp. Form
14. O n application to register a subsequent proprietor of
R.T.M. No.
more than one Mark standing in the same name, the devolution
,«,„™,'„bliihed in 6-7.
of title being identical in each case :
of 2»th Mar,
For the first Mark
0 10 0)
1 Q n r
mi. tide Law No. 8
A n d for every other Mark
0 1 D) •
15. O n application to change the name of a proprietor of a
single Mark where there has been no alteration in the proprietor–
0 3 0
Irt. O n application to change the name of a proprietor of
more chan one Mark standing in the same name, the change
being the same in each case :
For thefirstMark
0 3 0)
A n d for every other Mark
0 1 0 ) ~
17. For renewal of registration of a Mark at expiration of
last registration ... •
0 10 0 13 or IG
18. For renew-d of registration of a series of Marks at the
expiration of last registration :
For tbefirstMark of tbe series
0 10 0) .., ,-
A n d for every other Mark of tbe series
<» 1 0j'
VJ. For renewal of a Mark registered under section ">6 for
goods in more than one class :
In respect of every class
... 0 10 0 13 or 16
Total fee in no case to exceed £10 for any number of
20. Additional fee under Rule 67
21. Additional fe<- nnder Rule 68
22. For altering a single entry of the address of a registered
23. For altering more tbau oue entry of the address of a
registered proprietor where the address in each case is the same
and is altered in the same way .*
For thefirstentry ... ...
... 0 3 <i)
A n d for every other entry... ... ... ... ... 0 1 <>)
24. For every entry in the register of a rectification thereof
or an alteration therein, not otherwise charged ... ... ... " o "
2."». For .-.ini-elliiig the entry or part of the entry of a trade
mark upon the register on the application of the owner of such
trade mark
2rt. O n r*s*-u*-!*T. not otherwise charged under section 10 (6)
or under section •">•'
27. For a search under Rule 'JO ...
2S. For a certificate of Registrar of registration to be used in
legal proceedings
21-. For certificate of Registrar of the registration of a trade
mark for the purp«»se of obtaining registration abroad ...
30. For certificate of Registrar of the registration of a series
of Murks for the purpo-**** "f obtaining registration abroad
31. For certificate of Registrar other than certificate under
section 1"> or certificate to be used in legal proceedings, or for the
purpose of obtaining registration abroad
32. O n appeal from Registrar to the Court in respect of each
decision appealed against by Appellant
33. O n an application to the Registrar under section 21 ...
34. O n an application to the Registrar for leave to add to or
alter a single Mark
••• •••
u 10 u
'.).'). O n an application to tbe Registrar for leave to add to or
alter more than one Mark of the same proprietor the addition or
alteration to be made, iu each case being the same :
For thefirstMark
!! 'V !!- 28
And for every other Mark...
jrt. For inspecting register in connection with any particular
trade mark, for everv quarter of an hour
37. For making a search amongst the classified represen–
tations of trade marks, for every quarter of an hour ... ...
3S. For office copy of documents for every 100 words (but
never less than Vs.)
39 For certifviug office copies M.S. or printed matter
~ ^ 4* j..Xm_,J\ According to tariff
40. For advertisements in the Cyprus Gazette or otner|
a n d <n p r o p o n i o n
••• ••• ••• ••• ••• "' '" '") to space occupied.
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