Annual charge
for interest, if
In the case of Railways.
Total Cash Receipts.
Total Expenditure
(excluding *iny charge
for interest.)
Number of
Telegraph Messages
£13,779 £27,786
Telegraph lines open
to public at such
Stations ou Railway
not competing with
Eastern Telegraph Co.,
i.e., where the Eastern
Telegraph Co. have no
office at Receiving
Station or at Des–
patching Station.
No. of paid messages:
Good Carriage Road
3rd_ Class Road to Kalokhorio Bridge, only 3 miles metalled. Track from
Kalokhorio Bridge to Palseokhorio—10 miles and thence to Papoutza
Pass 4-V miles in course of construction as 4th Class Road.
Good Carriage Road Varosha to Kondea. Fair Kondea to Nicosia in dry
Good Carriage Road
Fair Carriage Road in dry weather
Fair Carnage Road. Maintenance from Village Road Funds.
Good Carriage Road Foundationed and metalled throughout.
Fair Carriage Road
Good Carriage Road
Good Carriage Road
Reverted to Village Road
Fair Carriage Road in dry weather. Since the construction of the road
from Larnaca to Mari River via Kophino this road has been abandoned
with the exception of portion from bcala to Salt Lake and the Salt Lake
Causeway, and the portion formed from Z w i to Mari Bridge in 1900-1901.
lliese portions have been maintained up to present date. The Road is
bridged throughout, and a commencement made to renew the road by
village labour near Kiti and Sophtades
Practicable for wheeled traffic only in fine weather; 5 miles included in
Larnaca-Lefkoniko Road, remainder of the road now abandoned
Good Carriage Road. This road commences at Larnaca and passes by
Pyla and Kondea across the plain of the Messaoria to Prastion and
terminates at Lefkoniko It is now the principal route from Larnaca
to Famagusta as it joins the Nicosia-Famagusta Road below Kondea,
which proceeds via Kouklia to Famagusta
Good Carriage Road
Fair Carriage Road (Advanced from Public Works Loan Funds £925 114)
Good Carriage Road ,, „
„ „ £172 14 0
Fair Carriage Road „ ,, ,, „ ,, £1,304 16 6