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R E T U R N of Principal Publications during the year 1917-18 including Newspapers, and
Reviews and, if k n o w n , the circulation of such Newspapers and Reviews.
Title of Publication.
Circulation as stated by Editor.
Kypriakos P h y l a x " (KvirpiaKoq <t>CXac), a weekly
newspaper in Greek.
Mastigion " (Mn<*my«ov), a fortnightly satirical news–
paper in Greek.
( M . K O O U X O ) ,
a weekly satirical newspaper
in Greek.
1 4
Neon Ethnos" (Nt'ov "Etyvoc). a weekly newspaper
in Greek.
Patris" (flaTptc), a weekly newspaper in Greek.
Phone tes K y p r o u " (Q'-ivr} rye
a weekly
newspaper in Greek.
Salpinx'' (laXmyi), a weekly newspaper in Greek.
About 800 copies.
About 1,300 copies.
About 300 copies.
About 300 copies.
1,200 copies.
1,350 copies.
600 copies.
31 A