Amount of
Foes daring
the Tear.
Whether the
Principal be
allowed a
tor his personal
Residence *. or
if any.
for House Rent
Whether the Otfice be held br Principal
in conjunction with anr, and what
other Ciril, .Military, or Naval Otfice or
Appointment or Place of Profit m any
Colony, or on the Establishment of the
United Kim-ilom.
If the Office be held by a Military or
Naval Officer, whether upon Full or
Half Military or Naval Pay, the Total
Amount of Pay aud Aliuwancus of
•rery kind actually received by hiiu in
addition to the Profits of his Office.
Period durin-f
which the
Olficer has
been Absent
from the
during the
Wliether the Principal
Date of First
enjoys any, and what other
Advantage or Profit. un'-ior t ie
not r-.o.uired to be stated in
the preceding Columns.
£ 9. cp.
I Government I
j Houses, Nicosia |
j and Troodos
Quarters in
Govt. House
1 3 OA
1 4 OA
1 4 OA
Is also a Clerk in the Chief
Secretary's Office
Is also Translator of State Docu–
ments in the Chief Secretary's Office
Is also Chief Greek Translator
in the Chief Secretary's Office
Is a Member of the Executive and
Legislative CouncUs
Ts also Clerk of the Executive and Legisla–
tive Councds. drawing £30 and £50 p.a
Is also Turkish Translator to the
Legislative CouncU
Is also Greek Translator to the
Legislative CouncU
Ke.-fi vea an allowance
•ui ~lcp. a day during
1 rondos season
8 Jan., 1915
6 Dec., 1915
9 Mar., 1905
I 14 July, 1902
j 21 Aug., 1878
8 April, 1882
14 May, 19176
4 May, 1910 c
9 Jan., 1893
14 July, 1902
1 May, 1903
1 Jan., 1910
1 July, 1910
15 Sep., 1911
•23 Dec., 1917
21 Aug., 1373
24 Dec, 1879
' 8 April, 1882
11 Dec., 1882
15 May, 1905t
16 Oct., 1916*
1 Dec.. 1916i
(1) Mr. J. C. D. Fenn, Chief Assistant Secretary, acted from 1 AprU to 13 May, 1917.
(2) Mr. H. C. Lukach, Assistant Secretary, (now Commissioner of Famagusta) acted from 1 AprU to 13 May, 1917.
(3) Mr. E. H. de Heidenstam, Clerk, I. Div., acted from 1 April to 13 Mav, 1917, and from 1 February to 31
March, 1918.
(4) Mr. H. P. M. McLaughlan, Chief Clerk, acted from 1 April, 1917, to 31 March, 1918.
18 A